Wednesday 16 July 2008

You Don’t Have To Be Mad To Work Here….

….but we think it should help.
Almost a fifth of MPs have suffered mental health problems at some time, a survey suggests.

The report criticises the law forcing MPs to give up their seats for life if they are sectioned for six months under the Mental Health Act.
I wonder: are they laying the groundwork for a ‘get out of jail free’ card for Gordon, should one of his enemies come up with a foolproof plan…?

You do have to wonder just how stupid some MPs are (if not certifiably bonkers) when they come up with drivel like this:

Joint chairman Sandra Gidley said work on "challenging stigma" was needed. Some 94 MPs took part in the survey.

One in three of them said colleagues' attitudes and the possibility of a hostile media reaction prevented openness about mental health issues.

If an MP is physically incapable of working for six months they would not have to stand down, whereas those sectioned for the same period would.
Well, Sandra sweetie, that’s because there is a big difference between breaking your hip chasing your secretary round the desk in your plush office, and pulling your underpants over your head, sticking two pencils up your nose and running naked into the street proclaiming yourself the Son of God.

Although, it might explain some of the recent policy problems plaguing the Labour Party…


  1. I've caught some of "The A-Team" repeats on Bravo recently, and can state with conviction that Howling Mad Murdoch was a lot more sane, and definitely more useful, than our deranged Government -- and much more entertaining, for that matter...

  2. Lol!

    It's sad that that's actually true!

  3. B.A: "Crazy fool with all his jibber-jabber!" I think he was really referring to Brown...

  4. This survey is obvious rubbish.

    Four-fifths of them sane? Oh come on...

  5. Brown is clearly paranoid, and there have been rumours about a secret "other identity" (the origin or validity of which I don't know, but would like to find out one day!) involving nappies and a rocking horse...

    Still, as genius songwriter and performer Neil Innes would put it:

    Can annoy ya
    But schizophrenia
    Gets in between ya!"
