Wednesday 13 August 2008

Comment Is Superfluous...

Two office workers were suspended after they spent 20 minutes having sex at a partly-frosted window, unaware that a crowd had gathered to watch below. The naked pair could not hear the cheering from the group of dozens of passing workers, taxi drivers, and at least two police community support officers, but continued undeterred.

The staff were from a company called Unity Partnership, which is contracted by Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council to improve public services.


  1. Sounds like he was giving her quite a good service.

  2. LFAT

    The report quoted does not reveal the sex of either of the office workers. However, as you imply, the service rendered probably came up to the high standards expected of their "council colleagues" (yuk!!) by Oldham MBC.

  3. If these two get the sack then at least they can get a job in the quality control dept. of a condom factory.

  4. I assume this is what is meant by "partnership working"...

  5. Lol!

    "...the service rendered probably came up to the high standards expected of their "council colleagues"..."

    Don't know about that. They were, after all, screwing each other, and not council taxpayers.. ;)

  6. Can't be real council workers - they'd have stopped after the first ten minutes for a break.

  7. I bet, in true British fashion, the complaints only came in when they lit up a post-coital cigarette...
