Friday 5 September 2008

‘Eight Legged Freaks … !’

Let’s hope the complainant in this case isn’t anywhere near Liverpool today…

And in other arachnid news, a bit of a shock for a Co-Op worker:
A supermarket cashier came face-to-face with a deadly South American spider when she found it nestling in a bunch of bananas she was unpacking.

Kate Whitmore, 25, picked up the bananas along with the highly venomous Phoneutria nigriventer.

"I held it close to my face and thought, 'What is that?' she said.
Not the brightest tool in the box, bless her…
It was only after it was taken away to be put down

Surely the whole point of calling the RSPCA in is so they can take it to a zoo, or something? Otherwise, they may as well just whack it with a rolled up newspaper themselves…


  1. >> Not the brightest tool in the
    >> box, bless her…

    LOL.... You are indeed on form today, Julia!

  2. Well, this was in Wayfield, a Labour area, so they are bound not to be the brightest folk around...

    I suspect that the RSPCA don't have suitable facilities to deal with this kind of creature (who sounds very much like some of our Labour councillors, which therefore seems fitting) so I suppose they had little alternative in practice.

    Sad in a way, but there it is. If they'd spent a fortune in an alternative solution, that would have diverted funds from dealing with probably dozens or scores of more deserving cases. Ah, well: such is life sometimes -- and death, in the spider's case.

  3. It seems some spiders are a bit luckier... ;)
