Monday 22 September 2008

Looking After Their Own…

The doctor who alleged the solicitor Sally Clark's husband murdered their two children is to be allowed to return to child protection work.
Well, of course, that decision was made by other doctors, who are inclined to be protective of their own interests, over and above those of the public. Just like any other union.
Andrew Reid, chairman of the panel, told Dr Southall: "You have acknowledged that you have learnt a lot from these proceedings and that it will impact on all the work you do.

"You have expressed regret for the impact that the PCC (Professional Conduct Committee) findings have had on the profession, and remorse that your actions have contributed to the fear that now exists amongst paediatricians involved in child protection work.

"The panel considers that you have demonstrated considerable insight into your previous failings."
So, no regret or remorse about the effect his actions had on the family, just over the effects it had on other doctors? Nice…

Oh, and that ‘insight’?
Addressing the panel last month, Dr Southall maintained that he still thought he was correct to raise the alarm over Mr Clark after watching the interview given to Channel 4's Dispatches programme in April 2000.
Yeah, some insight there, all right…

Still, he has other decisions awaiting the cozy reversal from his medical chums:
The paediatrician is currently appealing against a separate GMC decision in which he was again found guilty of serious professional misconduct, for accusing a mother of drugging and murdering her 10-year-old son.

Dr Southall is allowed to carry on working as a doctor while his appeal continues.
Well, naturally.

It’s a measure of just how debased the NHS is that a man like this can still find work within it…


  1. And while we're about it, let's not forge that Roy Meadow is still a Professor and still a Sir.

  2. Forge? Forget!!

    What's that preview thingy for anyway? Who needs that!
