Saturday 6 September 2008

MAPPA Drop The Ball Again...

A murderer and serial rapist deported to Britain from Australia faces life in jail for a sex attack on a frail pensioner.

Simon Wilson, 50, pleaded guilty yesterday to a sickening assault on a 71-year-old woman within weeks of being back in the UK.

He had slashed his victim across the face before his vile abuse.

British-born Wilson, who emigrated when he was two, raped six women in Australia before killing an elderly woman in a frenzied assault with up to 100 punches.

Described by one Australian police officer as an "uncontrollable freak", he spent 16 years in prison for murder but was released from custody in January and put on a plane back to Britain.

But police in London could not force him to sign the sex offenders' register because his offences were not committed in the UK. When asked to do so, Wilson refused.
I remember the fuss made when he was flown back, and it transpired that he could not be made to sign the register. I also remember thinking 'Oh, well, at least they'll be keeping a very close eye on him'. I was wrong:
Wilson was deported despite Australian police believing he should spend his life in prison.

On arrival here he was put under surveillance by Mappa - the multiagency body which is monitoring paedophile Gary Glitter.
I guess I'll need a new tag again...

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