Monday 15 September 2008

Perfectly Meets Job Description…

Gordon Brown has sacked Labour MP Barry Gardiner as his special envoy for forestry after he joined the list of MPs calling for a leadership challenge.
But Barry seems to be so keen on getting rid of dead wood…


  1. This is how the forestry envoy is going to take his revenge on Gordon Brown:

  2. Actually, Gardiner apparently resigned. Downing Street got it wrong.

    Nothing new there, then...

    For some reason, the word verification suggests a new adjective to describe Number Ten's floundering behaviour: emmeky" :-)

  3. Heh..:)

    They can't seem to get anything right, can they? i wonder who the 'unnamed minister of state' is who is supposed to be ready to quit over Brown's leadership?

  4. Probably the worst job description in the world.

  5. I was wondering why my trees were looking sick lately, now I discover that our munificent PM had been making covert overtures to them. It explains all.

    With any luck the Ents will now march on Number 10.

    BTW Ms M., it was first funny, and then worrying, to see a copper appraise you as a Guardian-reading liberal. I hope he's not directly concerned with offender profiling.

  6. " was first funny, and then worrying, to see a copper appraise you as a Guardian-reading liberal. I hope he's not directly concerned with offender profiling."

    Yeah, that was a real 'WTF??' moment, wasn't it? The majority of contributors to Gadget's and Nightjack's sites are ok, it's just one or two who seem a little too gung ho for police powers...
