Friday 12 September 2008

Russian Foreign Minister Speaks For Us All

The Daily Telegraph can disclose that Sergei Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, reacted with fury when Mr Miliband and he spoke on the telephone. Mr Lavrov objected to being lectured by the British.

Such was the repeated use of the "F-word" according to one insider who has seen the transcript, it was difficult to draft a readable note of the conversation.

One unconfirmed report suggested that Mr Lavrov said: "Who are you to f------ lecture me?"


Mr Lavrov, I’d like to buy you a large vodka….


  1. I am not overly impressed by Putin's gang. More than a few cold-eyed killers among them.

    However, something about that doe-eyed reptile Milliband being chewed up and spat out by a genuine hard man for trying it on with the big boys makes me smile.

  2. That's my feeling about it exactly... :)

  3. As so often the Daily Mash has beaten us to the punch're-a-gigantic-country-filled-with-oil%2c-gas-and-wheat%2c-russia-reminds-eu-200808291211/

  4. That story takes me back several years to a TV report showing a know-nothing, junior Foreign Office minister, 'Dave' Mellor, on a visit to part of Palestine then occupied by the Israelis who were facing an eruption of riots and civil disturbances. Mellor wobbled up behind the hard-pressed Israeli troops and harangued the Colonel in charge at great length and volume whilst ensuring that the cameras were still running. Had I been that Colonel I would have fired a plastic bullet up Mellor's capacious arse! Is it any wonder thag so many foreigners absolutely loath us?

  5. Dave 'wobbling up behind hard-pressed troops'.

    David Duff you've just spoiled my evening, while simultaneuously describing David Mellor's (the original 'call me Dave') perfect one.

  6. David Mellor...

    How anyone decided that that man was worth a position in Government escapes me...

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Mr Lavrov, I’d like to buy you a large vodka.

    Ah, vodka: that's the answer! He should have told Milibland to "Smirn-ov, you Vladi-var mint!"
