Tuesday 14 October 2008

Comprehension Dawns In Welsh Students

If I were a Welsh café or chipshop owner, I’d be down on my knees thanking the educationalists for sending trade my way:
Children at a secondary school have been told they cannot have sugar in their tea because of concern about healthy eating.
Note: not that they are restricted to smaller portions of sugar – they can’t have any at all!
"We should have a right to choose what we eat," said Emma-Jayne Morgan 16, chairman of the student council.

"I was amazed to be told I could not have any sugar in my tea. If you were told that at a local cafe you would walk out in disgust."
Well, quite. But then, the café owner recognises that you are a customer who can go elsewhere if not satisfied. You might start to ask yourself why the people who are funded purely by your parent’s tax payments don’t see you as anything but a subject to do as you are told by your ‘betters’; why not consider this a valuable learning experience, Miss Morgan?
Miss Morgan said: "Everything has to be in moderation. You can educate people to eat more healthily but you cannot force them.

"I would rather go down to town to a cafe for lunch than force feed myself something I do not like."
And if enough of you take that route, how long before the parasites that infest the Welsh Assembly are clamouring for business restrictions within walking distances of schools? Not long, I’d bet…
In a letter to her local newspaper, Miss Morgan said mashed potatoes were no longer being prepared with butter and milk.

"If they are so concerned about healthy eating, why not substitute butter and milk for skimmed milk and low fat spread?" she wrote.

She added: "Set meals are now set in stone because they are 'nutritionally balanced', for example, if the menu allows you to have fish, chips and peas, this is what you must have, whereas in the past, if you did not like peas, you could swap them with beans.

"Now, you must either eat them or go without them because a portion of beans does not comply with the 'nutrition balance' of the meal. Well, I am sure that beans are better for you than nothing at all."
She’s catching on, I think. This is not so much a ‘healthy eating for your own good’ initiative, as a ‘we’ll show these peasants who’s in charge’ exercise. Perhaps it’s dawning on Welsh students at last that government is not their friend? Let’s hope so.
The school's headmaster, Stephen Parry, backed the move to cut down on sugar and salt.
He said it was part of a five year action plan to "improve the food and drink consumed throughout the school day".
There’s a good little gauleiter, Mr Parry. Don’t attempt to answer any of the pertinent questions raised by your students, just parrot the party line…


  1. Next they'll be banning Roger Whittaker's song "Sugar My Tea" as a Bad Influence[TM]...

  2. I assume this ban applies to the teachers as well? (laughs)

    Anyway, let's check the scoreboard. Thirteen year old girls are apparently old enough to be sexually active if they use contraception, but sixteen year old girls are forbidden to have sugar in their tea.

    The Left's attitude is a little strange.

  3. "Thirteen year old girls are apparently old enough to be sexually active if they use contraception, but sixteen year old girls are forbidden to have sugar in their tea."

    Another one of those nuanced moral standpoints, obviously. The Left does so love them...
