Monday 17 November 2008

"...I believe that children are our future mealticket..."

Much of the public is scared of children, with half saying British children behave like animals and pose an increasing danger, according to a survey.
Sounds like an unfair comparison to me. To the animal kingdom.

Still, what's the survey owners recommendation? More discipline in schools? Removal of incentives for the underclass to breed feral kids? Harsher juvenile detention facilities?

Not quite:
The charity said there is an unjustified and disturbing intolerance of children, despite the vast majority making positive contributions to their communities, attending school, taking part in activities and a significant number volunteering.

A report, Breaking the Cycle, insists children who are troublesome and engage in antisocial and criminal behaviour are often those most in need of support.
The charity who ordered the survey is Barnardos you see. And they aren't about to start biting the hand that feeds them. Unlike most of today's feral yobs...

Update: Barnardos are releasing this 'shocking' advert to try to change opinions among the populace (and beg for more of our money, of course).

Trouble is, I suspect that the decent people fed up with living on estates plagued with these youths are likely to be cheering on the hunting party.


  1. Like the "common good" sect in Hot Fuzz, it didn't seem like such a terrible idea...

  2. I remember reading (a long while ago) a left wing writer claiming to be horrified that people in the cinema were actually cheering on Charles Bronson's character in 'Death Wish'.

    She couldn't see why they'd do this...

  3. Barnado's get 70% of their funding from the Nanny State anyway, I don't think you can distinguish between their bleatings and those of the NuLab project.
