Friday 7 November 2008

Quote Of The Month

From Ranting Stan:
Our generation has got to stop exploiting them? The only members of my generation who exploit kids are liberal progressives who use them as a means to achieve an end. Only when liberals stop using kids as a tool to impose more of their ideology on society will the exploitation of kids end.


  1. He means that only when Labour get booted out of power will we see a change - and we also need the Conservatives to give the PC brigade a good kicking.

  2. No I don't! At least, not if Labour are "booted out of power" by Cameron's Tory Party. Replacing one bunch of liberal progressives with another won't make the slightest bit of difference - and if you genuinely believe the Conservatives under Cameron are anything other than a slightly paler version of Blairist social liberalism then you are in for a rude shock.

    Thanks for the plug, JuliaM :)

  3. I'm afraid I agree - even if Call-Me-Dave's bunch were to the right of Gengis Khan, they'd have a huge uphill struggle to root out the progs that have embedded themselves like ticks in every one of our public services - education, the 'justice' system, the police, etc...

    "Thanks for the plug, JuliaM :)"

    You're welcome ;)

  4. Only when liberals stop using kids as a tool to impose more of their ideology on society will the exploitation of kids end.

    Completely agree. It's going to take a generation or two to get kids back to where they should be and being educated properly.
