Friday 19 December 2008

Delusions Of Importance

Paxman upset some viewers last month when he interviewed (rap star Dizzee) Rascal on Newsnight and asked the London-born star: "Mr Rascal, do you feel yourself to be British?"
The prior guest had been Baroness Amos, discussing race, nationality and identity, and hw we in the UK don’t discuss the nature of ‘Britishness’. So this was referring to that discussion.
A bemused Rascal - real name Dylan Mills - replied: "Of course I'm British... it don't matter what colour you are."
Of course, it doesn’t. And that’s not what Paxman was getting at.

But the professionally-aggrieved have jumped on the bandwagon regardless:
Speaking to the New Statesman, fellow black star Estelle said: "That was out of line. Paxman's not going to get away with asking me do I think I'm British. That's disrespectful - you know, what do you think I am?"

Smacking her fist into her palm, the Mercury-nominated singer added: "I'd want to question him - and make him feel like an idiot."
Hmm, I think my money’d be on Paxo in that encounter…
Estelle said she was also disappointed by Rascal's performance on Newsnight. He was invited onto the programme during coverage of the US Presidential election to discuss whether Britain would ever have a black Prime Minister.

He did not take the encounter too seriously, and Estelle complained: "I don't ever want to diss another artist that I know is in the same struggle and grind as me, but it was the look on Jeremy Paxman's face. I was like, 'He [Paxman] is taking you for an idiot right now! Did no-one brief you?' I felt so disappointed because Dizzee has come so far as an artist and a businessman that to go on there and represent us, represent all the musicians in the UK, it was like Oh. My. God."
Oh, she’s quite the intellectual, isn’t she…?

But she’s off again:
Estelle was also critical of the Metropolitan Police's Operation Trident initiative, which was set up to combat black-on-black gun crime. She has appeared in a Trident advert for MTV but said: "Now they're acting like I'm their ambassador... that whole programme, to me, it's faulty because it hasn't really worked. They're just telling kids they're going to lock them up.

Where is the extra help, where's the extra care?"
I guess she’s a little confused about the role of the police in the UK, poor lamb….
She did have some positive things to say about Barack Obama, however. "I'm so full of joy that America elected Obama. He didn't win because he was black. People voted for him because he had a plan and because he talked sense and because you believed him. When he stands up on the podium, you get goosebumps."
All perfectly good reasons for choosing a leader, I’m sure. If you’re 5 years old.

I wonder when Obama’s ‘plan’ will materialise, and what she’ll think of it when/if it does?


  1. "I'd want to question him - and make him feel like an idiot."

    Well I feel significantly more stupid just reading what she has to say so I can only imagine the effect that talking to her must have.

    I recall seeing her offering her deep thoughts on the London Election earlier this year too. You can probably guess who she supported.

  2. Yeah, that's what they call a 'no brainer', I think...

  3. Oh er, duh Estelle innit?

  4. "a little confused about the role of the police in the UK"

    I don't know, I think she has the Met spot on.

  5. I understand Mr Rascal is currently on bail having been arrested by the Bromley constabulary last week in possession of an offensive weapon viz. a baseball bat in the Sevenoaks Way, Orpington. As there is a JJB sports shop nearby I'm sure he would have tried the defence 'I've just purchases this bat from a nearby sports shop' - but clearly this wasn't enough. I'm not JJB actually sells sports equipment anyway - it is the premier clothing supplier to the chav/working/under classes. Sounds a bit snobby but it's true.

    The reason for his public display was an alleged 'road rage' incident - i.e. Mr Rascal is another complete wanker who loses the plot whilst driving. At least he didn't shoot the other motorist otherwise the Met's Operation Trident would have swung into action AGAIN!

    Here's da link innit!

  6. I don't ever want to diss another artist that I know is in the same struggle and grind as me...

    Yeah, those multi-million pound rap/hip-hop/R&B 'artists' sure do have it tough. All of that wearing of 'bling', drinking champagne, driving expensive luxury motor cars, 'clubbing and occasionally turning up to a recording studio to sing a 15-second ditty over a loop some autistic person has concocted on a drum machine must be hell.

    wv: kambordi - sounds like a new type of booze. Make mine a double.

  7. I feel significantly more stupid just reading what she has to say so I can only imagine the effect that talking to her must have.

    Wot 'e sed.


  8. "The reason for his public display was an alleged 'road rage' incident - i.e. Mr Rascal is another complete wanker who loses the plot whilst driving."

    Well, it takes all sorts, they say...

    "Yeah, those multi-million pound rap/hip-hop/R&B 'artists' sure do have it tough."

    Keepin' it real, man!

  9. His Grace The Lord Shitsofa of Upnorth somewhere and the modern street troubador Mr Rascal both seem to have trouble with the concept and meaning of respect / respeck innit. Both seem to somehow believe they should have been accorded it, not received it and have lashed out.
    Both are arrogant wankers from different cultural backgrounds. I bet a beardy sociologist/criminologist could write reams about this.

  10. IMHO The Cylons have a similar plan to Obama.
