Wednesday 3 December 2008

Gaia Demands Human Sacrifice…

Tough new targets on tackling climate change will cost Britain £500 a year per household , push up utility bills and force 1.7million Britons into fuel poverty by 2020.
So, the plans will be given short shrift by any sane government, and the greenies will scream blue murder. Business as usual then…
A report from the Committee on Climate Change said the sacrifice would be worth it 'given the consequences and higher costs of not acting'.
I think we’ll be the judge of that. We are the ones being asked to ‘sacrifice’, after all…
However, expert Bjorn Lomborg described the targets as 'wishful thinking' as the UK has managed to reduce emissions by just 3.6 per cent since 1990. He also questioned whether other countries would follow Britain's lead.
Not if they want to be reelected, no…

But not all the green fascists are happy with the report:
Green groups and mainstream political parties broadly welcomed the report.

But Friends of the Earth's executive director Andy Atkins said: ' The committee has fudged the question of what the Government must do.

'Ministers must scrap plans to allow airports to expand and not allow any coal-fired power stations to be built without carbon capture and storage.

'The Government must get on with the urgent task of making the UK a low-carbon economy.'
Andy, sweetie, this is a recession. They aren’t going to do any of those things (if these projects don’t go ahead, it’ll be on clear financial grounds, and not spurious green claims), and you can stamp your feet and cry about melting icecaps all you want.

No-one’s listening….


  1. it’ll be on clear financial grounds, and not spurious green claims), and you can stamp your feet and cry about melting icecaps all you want.

    No-one’s listening….

    Yup. With you there. Our goverments answer to global warming is to embrace it as an opportunity to tax us more. That's it. They don't make any real or sensible efforts to make anything carbon neutral, to take good and sensible advice with regard to promoting anythinghelpful - they give money to banks but tie small businesses up in legislation. Small businesses that may be helping the main aim here.

    While India and China are burning fossil fuels like there's no tommorow then who wants to go cold and hungry here?

  2. Not me, that's for sure! Not while the likes of George Monbiot, Al Gore and Leonardo Di Caprio are all livin' large while preaching abstinence...

  3. Wot? The UK has reduced emissions by 3.6% since 1990? How the Chinese must be laughing at us.

    Time to buy the wife a second car, source myself a patio heater, unblock the chimney etc. Anything to stave off this global cooling, thus doing my bit to save tens of thousands of pensioners from hypothermia.
