Monday 1 December 2008

My Hat’s Off To One British Teenager

Take a bow, Seb Green:
A teenager who sparked a land and air rescue operation after stealing a boat has almost completed a sponsored walk around Britain to make amends.
Here’s one person for whom ‘making amends to society’ really means something.

And it needn’t be mandated by the State either…
So far the youngster has raised £14,000 for the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance and Starlight Children's Foundation, a charity which grants wishes for seriously and terminally ill children and provides hospital entertainment.

Mr Green's target is £20,000.

"It was a very stupid thing to do," he said.

"At the time I felt extremely guilty but as time has moved on the sense of guilt has faded because I am now planning to repay the community and some of the money it cost to rescue me.

"My attitude towards life has changed.

"I see life as a privilege and you only get out what you put in but you can achieve whatever you want."
I hope he makes his target. I think he will.

And with that attitude, he’ll go far…


  1. How did he get through the education system thinking like that?

    Anyway, elsewhere the State cracks down:

  2. Lol! Yes, just posted something on that...

  3. I hope he runs for public office. We could do with a bit more of that sort of attitude in charge.

    I'd vote for him.

  4. "He plans to study Biology and English A' levels before joining the Royal Marines. "

    The Marines willove him and won't hold his errant ways against him. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets a Commission and goes a long way.

    Doesn't say anything about the friend who was with him though? Perhaps he's been shamed into doing something having seen this.

  5. teenager commits a criminal act and charges to the state. Then he strolls around England and collects money from other people for the "you are going to die wanna hear a joke" charity.
    Maybe if he had done some honest work and given his own cash to charity it might count.
