Thursday 4 December 2008

Some People Really Shouldn’t Take Their Work Home With Them…

An 'obsessive and jealous' detective sergeant who worked in the City of London police's domestic violence unit throttled his lover and broke her ankle during a violent row, a court heard today.
The court heard it was the latest in a series of rows between the couple, many caused by Ramdat's jealousy.
I know there’s an old saying ‘poacher turned gamekeeper’, but really….
Basildon Crown Court heard Ramdat, who has been suspended since an investigation was launched, met Miss Lowe met on a detective training scheme in April 2007, where he was the instructor and she a student.

They began an affair immediately and within a fortnight he left his wife and two daughters and moved into Miss Lowe's home in Chafford Hundred, Essex.

But they began rowing almost every day after she received a text message from her ex-lover, who also worked City of London police, asking if he could pick up his belongings, the court was told.
Well, City of London Police needn’t worry too much about ‘attracting recruits from currently underrepresented groups’ to ensure their staff matches the local community.

They’ve certainly got the ‘immoral, hot-tempered, emotionally unstable chav’ representation sewn up!
The jury was told the couple argued virtually every day and Ramdat even became jealous of Miss Lowe's professional relationship with a colleague, Detective Inspector Roy West, with whom she occasionally had breakfast.

Furious at the friendship, he allegedly accused her of 'being chatted up by all the men with whom she worked. He said all the people wanted to do was sleep with her'.
Like he did….

1 comment:

  1. Well, that the City of London police have a Domestic Violence Unit is bizarre. The City used to have around 5000 residents, mostly in The Barbican, and from personal knowledge DV offences were practically non-existent.
    Some boundary changes came into force a few years ago so a couple of estates that were in Islington came under their charge, so I suppose DV offences went up 300%. The abuser in this case used to be in Essex police (google his name) and runs a training company too. (Business interest no doubt registered). I should think he took things out on her (a) because he's an inadequate twat (b) he was angry at being one and 'cos after a couple of shags with a bit of a strumpet stupidly left his wife and kids. All in all a right old disaster.
    The thing with the City of London Police is, nothing much happens. Admittedly they are one big terrorist target, but before the IRA bombs of the early 90's bugger all (other than fraud) happened. Fraud, The Fraud Squad was the reason the force wasn't amalgamated with the Met back in 1964. Some vested interests obviously had a word. So thanks to the ring of steel, CCTV cameras and ANPR they've still got nothing much to do at street level except play at the pointless issues that every other force has to, chase pigeons and do bugger all. Occasionally the boredom leads to episodes such as this.
    A nasty incestuous little police force, previousuly well corrupt (google Operation Countryman)and now a flagship PC/Leftist madhouse experiment.
