Tuesday 9 December 2008

Trouble at t’Mill Young Offenders’ Institution….

Order has been restored at the Aylesbury Young Offenders' Institution after teams of specially trained 'control and restraint' teams overpowered rioters.

The Ministry of Justice has launched an investigation into the disturbance which saw up to 100 prison officers, many in riot gear, fighting with inmates.
Lock ‘em in and starve ‘em. They’ll come out soon enough…
Sources said the inmates broke into the officers' mess and workshops and armed themselves with hammers, saws and chisels.

The Prison Service said it would conduct a full investigation into the circumstances of the incident. The police will also hold an investigation.
Perhaps origami might be a better hobby in a prison, rather than woodwork?
The incident, described by the Prison Service as 'concerted indiscipline', was believed to have broken out during protests as Asian inmates celebrated the festival of Eid, which marks the end of the Ramadan fast.
There’s nothing in any of the reports that I’ve read that states exactly what the protests were about


  1. Note the use of the approved Righteous euphemism 'Asian' even in a context where it can only refer to Muslims, exclusively.

  2. Yeah, I bet the Chinese and Vietnamese are pretty annoyed about that....

  3. 2/1 on it will be 'racism'.

  4. Aha!

    The religion of peace again.

    Colour me surprised.

    (Eek! The image entry thingy on this comment screen says "bummims" - is this innuendo, or what?)

  5. The curry carry outs that the Prison officers brought back for them were probably kosher instead of halal.

    Von Brandenburh-Preussen.

  6. "The image entry thingy on this comment screen says "bummims" - is this innuendo, or what?"

    I've got to start looking at that myself. I think Blogger is approaching sentience... ;)

    "The curry carry outs that the Prison officers brought back for them were probably kosher instead of halal."

    Ah, yeah. Got a post scheduled about that little affair...

  7. It says 'bumpught' on this one.

