Monday 8 December 2008

Two Illuminating Posts...

...on dealing with the underclass.

I give you Nightjack and Inspector Gadget.

Meanwhile, over at 'CiF', it's still 'fingers in ears and singing la la la' time....


  1. Too early in the day to be assailed by Polly.

  2. I can't be bothered to register to put a comment on CiF but 'elaborate lies' and 'the men hid in a trench in the garden'

    For crying out loud, didn't they think "that's a heck of a pond you are digging". Didn't they notice the extra children, the dogs, the free-range snake, the filth? Are the social workers really trying to make me believe that two congenitally lazy scab fests decided to go to the trouble of digging a hole to hide in (which is not easy in Tottenham, and I know what I'm talking about), instead of going down the pub? It's a 4bdm interwar semi with a through lounge and reception, not Gormenghast Castle. It really is very difficult to disguise the existence of two grown men in a space that size.

    No. Don't believe a word of it. What happened was the social workers knew, but didn't want the argument over benefits, so they chose to turn a blind eye, cock a deaf'un and accept any old twaddle when they were told one or both men were visitors. Hence the coy nonsense about 'we didn't know of the depth of the relationship'. What depth - it's a wonder they didn't get concussion from diving in to a relationship that shallow.

    Do excuse me, the bells on my other leg are ringing.

  3. The Gadget post just made me want to weep.

    I am astonishingly fed up with all this. I've had my limited say over at Pollyanna's CIF drivel.

    BTW JuliaM just wanted to say I do like the blog.

  4. Lots of talk on the CiF site about the "Tory press" and Margaret Thatcher. There is an entire generation of Leftists who are living in complete denial, a complete fantasy land.

    How can they not see that if you give people incentives to act in the way their base desires push them, they are going to do exactly that?

  5. Polly is still on stage one of Sir Humphrey's four stage plan for obfuscation:

    In Stage One we say that nothing is happening.
    Stage Two, we say something may be happening but we should do nothing about it.
    Stage Three, we say that maybe we should do something about it, but there's nothing we can do.
    Stage Four, we say maybe there is something we could have done, but it's too late now.

  6. "What happened was the social workers knew, but didn't want the argument over benefits, so they chose to turn a blind eye..."

    That's far more plausible, isn't it?

    "BTW JuliaM just wanted to say I do like the blog."

    Cheers! :)

    "Lots of talk on the CiF site about the "Tory press" and Margaret Thatcher. "

    With some of that crowd, it's a reflex action!
