Friday 2 January 2009

”Indeed, sir? And I’m the bloody Sheriff of Nottingham! You’re nicked, sunshine...”

Items found in a flat which police initially suspected could be homemade explosive devices turned out to be harmless "science fiction-style" equipment, officers said.

About 100 homes had to be evacuated after police arrested a man and called bomb disposal officers following a siege at the property in Harlow, Essex.

Officers were called to the third floor flat early yesterday after reports that a man had been spotted with a longbow.
A longbow....? Good grief!

I think he’d just been trying out too much ’work experience’ on the PC...
Armed officers and negotiators arrived and a 36-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of possessing an offensive weapon.

A search of his home revealed a number of "unexplained" items, police said.
I expect a search of anyone’s home would turn up such items. Still, can’t be too careful, eh? Why not evacuate the neighbourhood, because after all, you can. And better safe than sorry, eh?
Last night, a spokesman for Essex Police said: "Bomb disposal officers attended and carried out an assessment.

"No items of danger were found in the premises. Initial concerns were raised by the crude adaptions of many household items into science fiction style equipment." Residents were later allowed back to their homes.
How very nice. Pity you felt that they 'had' to be evacuated in the first place. And note the lack of any apology or admission that the police might have a bit of egg on their face...

So, a hugely expensive and time-consuming operation kicks in, inconveniencing a large number of people and tying up the emergency services, all because someone has been seen with a bow and arrow, and a house search has discovered a couple of curling tongs wrapped in silver foil to make them look like guns from ‘Blake’s Seven’...?

Is it just me, or are we becoming a nation of utter whining ninnies, fearful of our own shadows?


  1. Becoming? We have become. Seit lange her.

  2. I'm afraid you're right. Thanks, NuLab, and Major's 'Conservatives' before you.

    This was once a country to be proud of. No more...

  3. After my rant at your following posting about murder arrests, I then read this one and sadly recognize the tell tale signs of 'The Book' being applied.

    What is so disappointing is that no one in the Gold/Silver/Bronze command structure that would have been quickly established had the operational experience or simple common sense to call a halt once it was realized there was no bomb factory or terrorist cell safe house.

    I suspect however that the incident commander could see a personal benefit in continuing to 'ramp up' the exercise thus providing valuable national competency framework examples of leadership, resource allocation and no doubt a bit of respect for diversity along the line. All nice evidence for the yearly appraisal and the next application for a better role or department.


  4. "What is so disappointing is that no one in the Gold/Silver/Bronze command structure that would have been quickly established had the operational experience or simple common sense to call a halt once it was realized there was no bomb factory or terrorist cell safe house."

    Is it really a case of lacking in 'operational expertise' or 'common sense', or simply that they think there might be consequences for them of not doing it?

    While knowing full well that there won't be any consequences whatsover for going completely over the top?

    This is the problem - and it's one reason why the public's opinion of the police is at an all time low - the power they now wield in the name of 'elf and safety', or 'protecting the public' is used cavierlierly and with no comebacks.

    It matters not (to them) that they have subjected the neighbours to unwarranted stress and inconvenience. There will be no apology.

    If you treat people with contempt, expect it to be returned...

  5. Don't the police know it's not actually illegal to own a longbow? It's illegal to fire it at someone, yes, but 'being in possession of a bow' is not illegal. Even eBay allow their sale. No licence required.

    Well, not yet anyway.

    This whole 'offensive weapon' business is mad. Most people's garages and kitchens are full of potential offensive weapons. It's not offensive until you threaten someone with it.

    It just shows how far the conditioning has gone. Soon we'll see carpenters arrested for having nailguns and carpet fitters for having knives.

    Meanwhile, real criminals continue unmolested.

  6. Since WHEN, in ones home, is a long bow "an offensive weapon"?

    "Any person who takes from is residence without lawful authority, any object manufactured, made, adapted, or used to cause injury or guilty of posessing an offensive weapon".


    Fuck ME, I have six 1813 Prussian cannon, two 1812 howitzers, and three 1809 mortars in my garden, 15 muskets six flintlock pistols and 20 kilos of black powder in my cellar, (As head of a battle reenactment group.). What would British plod make of THAT?

    Von Brandenburg-Preussen.

  7. Spott on Leg Iron.


  8. Evacuated 100 houses? What did he have, a fucking suitcase nuke? Oh, turns out it was just a suitcase...
