Thursday 8 January 2009

“Nice country you’ve got here. Shame if anything was to happen to it…”

Anger within Britain's Muslim communities over the Gaza conflict has reached "acute levels of intensity" that could have repercussions for national security, leading Muslims will warn Gordon Brown today.
I’d like to think the response will be suitably robust, but Gordon Brown merely wrote a book on courage – there’s no evidence he possesses any…
In a letter to the prime minister, representatives of Muslim organisations will say the Israeli government's use of "disproportionate force" to combat threats to its security has "revived extremist groups" and "empowered their message of violence and perennial conflict".
Because up until then, they’d been quietly sitting at home, knitting booties for orphaned kittens and composing poetry…?
Among the signatories are Dr Usama Hasan, imam of Al-Tawhid mosque, London, Dilwar Hussain, head of the policy research centre at the Islamic Foundation, Zareen Roohi Ahmed from the British Muslim Forum and Ed Husain, co-director of the anti-extremism thinktank the Quilliam Foundation.

All are active in tackling extremism in the UK and overseas.
How…? By telling their ‘communities’ that they will speak on their behalf, and using the threat of their young hotheads to get what they want from Western governments?
Their intervention follows a meeting on Tuesday between Bill Rammell, foreign and commonwealth affairs minister, and 30 people drawn from Muslim organisations such as the Muslim Council of Britain and the Islamic Society of Britain.

In what was said to be a testy meeting, representatives told Rammell the government's position on Gaza could provoke UK terrorist attacks. One of those present was Dr Hany el-Banna, youth worker and co-founder and president of the charity Islamic Relief.

He told the Guardian: "We are all working tirelessly to try and cool them down. I am telling them to change and bring something positive, but they see these images and they trigger extremist thoughts in the simplest individuals. Many millions of people will see these images in the media, what do you think the affect (sic – this is the ‘Guardian’!) will be?

"The government is responsible for the country and its foreign policy. I don't want something to happen here."
There you are – the value of dealing with ‘community representatives’ in a nutshell; when push comes to shove, and they’ve taken the government handouts and been wined and dined and feted at taxpayer expense, they throw up their hands and say ‘Oh, well, we can’t stop them, they are just inflamed by what they see on the TV! Do as we say and maybe they’ll stop…”

Time to cut off the funding and point out to these useless leeches that any attempt to stir up trouble in the UK over the actions of another country will be met with the strongest possible response.

And to start to target the real threats to our society.

Or we could continue to appease these ‘community leaders’ and harass middle-aged MPs taking photographs instead. Over to you, Brown.

Don’t screw this up like you have everything else…


  1. "appease" is exactly the right word

  2. "they trigger extremist thoughts in the simplest individuals"

    So basically he's admitting that Muslims are on the whole fairly simple minded and easily swayed by propaganda? Nice to have it from the horse's mouth, I suppose.

  3. Guardianistas would be horrified at the thought that seeing images of Islamic terrorists murdering schoolchildren would trigger extremist thoughts in them, but are A-OK with the idea that Muslims are different, that they have no self-control or moral compass.

    Once again, soft bigotry from the real racists.

    As for this threat, because that is what it is, any government with balls would take them aside and say that if anything happened they would be the first ones arrested and questioned.

  4. This stinks of news management and of talking up a threat to justify a coming crackdown. The usual suspects (head of MI5, Muslim 'community leaders' and quangocrats, etc.) moving the pieces into place for when it all kicks off on the estates this summer.

    I can see it now: "Handy we passed all those anti-terror laws, issued the police with tasers and tried to sneak in Diplock Courts, eh?"

  5. The government should just reply that yes after any trouble by islamic terrorists, Mosques are un-defendable and it might be better to let a few burn down to burn off some of the anger...

  6. This is beginning or already is a nightmare of epic proportions

    This is Britain Not the Caliphate of Islam

    When will these people learn that this is not on?

    Probably never, Its an unholy mess

  7. "today we celebrate one of the great days in the history of Islam and Great Britain."

    (Keith Vaz MP, March 1989, addressing a crowd of Muslims protesting against the Satanic Verses).

    ‘Great’ in the sense of ‘very substantial,’ agreed. Before long, books like that will be banned 'in the interests of Community Cohesion.’

    What ever happened to Mr Vaz, anyway? Didn’t he get suspended for corruption? That must have ruined his political career, no-one would trust him again.

  8. "So basically he's admitting that Muslims are on the whole fairly simple minded and easily swayed by propaganda?"

    Seems so, doesn't it?

    "The usual suspects (head of MI5, Muslim 'community leaders' and quangocrats, etc.) moving the pieces into place for when it all kicks off on the estates this summer."

    Hmm, yes. It does look like something's brewing.

    "What ever happened to Mr Vaz, anyway? Didn’t he get suspended for corruption? That must have ruined his political career, no-one would trust him again."

    Heh. If only...

  9. The Saudi oil money has run out, ZanuLab's machine is imploding, the public sector money hose is sputtering, and the ordinary taxpayer-saver is being squeezed.

    I've been suspecting for a while now that the State is giving the Muslims enough rope to hang themselves, by encouraging their special pleading precisely to build up resentment in the normal population.

    I see Soviet-style pogroms in the near future as the normal population finally reacts to the next Muslim outrage.

    And in this confrontation, I'd rather be on the side with skills, jobs, money, science and guns rather than some head-chopping koran-reciting inbred mongs.
