Monday 12 January 2009

A Wake-Up Call For Dave...

We don’t want, or trust, the EU:
The YouGov survey for the TaxPayersAlliance and Global Vision, the Eurosceptic pressure group, shows that voters remain antagonistic towards the EU in the wake of the Lisbon Treaty, which increased the powers of Brussels at the expense of national governments, as well as towards the euro, despite recent falls in the value of the pound.
In short, we are fed up up with being ruled by unelected, unaccountable Euro MPs.

And if the Tories continue down the path of bowing and scraping before the might of Brussels, expect fewer voters to tick that box come voting day:
The survey – released exclusively to The Sunday Telegraph – also spells out the threat posed to the Tories by the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) in elections to the European Parliament which take place on 4 June. Ten per cent of those who would vote Tory in a general election will back UKIP in the euro-election, the survey suggests. David Cameron has been trying to "close down" Europe as a political issue amid fears that traditional Tory divisions on the subject could resurface with the possible return of Ken Clarke, the strongly pro-Brussels former Chancellor, to the shadow cabinet.
I like Clarke, except for his obsession with the EU. Dave the husky-hugger needs to look at the findings of this survey very carefully before deciding which way to go. He's being sent a message.
Overall, 16 per cent of voters want Britain simply to withdraw from the EU, while 48 per cent would like to see a much looser relationship, with the government taking back powers from Brussels and ending the supremacy of the European Court of Justice over British law.
This is the bit that rankles, and some clear leadership is needed.

Who will provide it? John Ward has looked at the figures in depth and doesn't think UKIP can make the gains the 'Telegraph' has predicted. So in theory, the votes are there for the taking, if Cameron plays a blinder.

Can he...? I'm not so sure...


  1. I don't get the Tory party anymore. I certainly don't understand 'Dave'. Thjere's votes building up, like water behind a dam, for them if they can only just get their heads tunes in to the ordinary British person. trouble is, they , like most corporations are tuned into a way of speaking and communicating, they've lost the art of connecting with actual voters. They seem bothered by the truth, by reality, which doesn't fit into their PC worlds. It won't take much to win by the biggest landslide ever seen, but they're frightened, clearly, of somehow being 'labelled' by the media, the left etc, the 'nasty party' slur, an own goal if ever, still hurts.
    Wake up Dave - the prize is yours if you have the balls! Just talk about immigration, Europe and crime. The rest will be easy.

  2. I have to agree wholeheartedly with Ranter.

    I also don't think it would take much of a push to bring the EU crashing down and then sensible countries can think about better ways of co-operating.

    I doubt many withdrawalists are isolationists, they just don't see "ever close union" as the best means of co-operation.

  3. Julia, a small quibble.

    We are not ruled by "unelected, unaccountable, Euro MP's".

    MEP's are elected, and are - to a small extent accountable.

    But they do not "rule". They do not originate EU laws and regulations, and cannot in the end prevent such laws and rules coming into effect. They can comment or suggest, but that is all.

    The real rulers are the EU commission, who are - as you say - unelected and unaccountable.

    It's a small point, but we need to get these things right so that people understand how despicable our system of government has become.

    The EU is not just undemocratic - it is positively anti-democratic, and that is by design; a feature not a bug.

  4. Agree, mostly, with what others have said - but I don't like Ken Clarke. Behind his blokey, matey exterior lies a manipulative EUphile who will not hesitate to push a pro-EU agenda forward - as proven by his joining up (along with that other Tory sell out - Heseltine) with Blair to push the Britain in Europe campaign. Not only should he never be considered for a position of authority within the Conservative party he shouldn't even be in it!

  5. "I don't get the Tory party anymore...They seem bothered by the truth, by reality, which doesn't fit into their PC worlds. "

    They do, don't they?

    "Julia, a small quibble.

    We are not ruled by "unelected, unaccountable, Euro MP's".

    MEP's are elected, and are - to a small extent accountable."

    Quite right, I should have distinguished the elected bunch from the unelected bunch. Even though the idea of the elected bunch of turkeys voting for Christmas seems unlikely, we do directly elect them....

    "I don't like Ken Clarke. Behind his blokey, matey exterior lies a manipulative EUphile who will not hesitate to push a pro-EU agenda forward..."

    I've liked a lot of what he has had to say on non-EU matters, but I think you're right - he does seem to have a blind spot for it which he'd undoubtedly push via any means possible.

  6. I hate to sound like a conspiracist, but I just find it hard to believe that the Tories can be so blind as to the popular will of the British electorate.

    vw: 'currypro'. Seriously.

  7. I mentioned on another blog that the conservatives need not fight and squabble over the eu.Instead of saying yes or no just promise us a referendum with 3 extra boxes for you to choose.
    1.Do you want to be in the union
    2.Do you want out of the union
    3.Would you rather just the EEC that we actually voted for.
    Simple innit.The people decide democratically.Am i being naive?
