Tuesday 17 February 2009

Bunking Off, And Bunking Up….

The mother of underage father Alfie Patten is due to appear in court next week for failing to ensure the 13-year-old attends school, it has emerged.

Nicola Patten, 43, is facing charges relating to a five-month period last year when he failed to attend regularly Willingdon Community School.
Hmmmm, I guess we know what he was doing instead


  1. Our legal system certainly knows its priorities. The 'age of consent' appears to be a legal fiction provided both parties are under 24- whereas the requirement to attend school (a construction I prefer to 'get an education')seems more than ever to be a concrete legal reality.
    Then again, it's probably easier to meet govt. 'targets' when you concentrate on such low hanging fruit. It is probably also sending a message to potential home schoolers- don't try this unless you go meet a whole sequence of Council imposed pc criteria . And that is more important than applying a law dating back to the age of Victorian moral uplift.

  2. Off topic.

    This may be of interest:

    A man who said he stormed into a drug dealer's home and flushed heroin down a toilet has been jailed for two months.

    Also here via here

  3. If you're going O/T I prefer the story of the Muslim guy who set up a TV station intended to promote a more positive image of Islam. He has just been arrested for beheading his wife.

  4. He and quite a few others, by all accounts.

    Welcome to New Labour's Britain.

  5. "The 'age of consent' appears to be a legal fiction provided both parties are under 24..."

    Indeed. And the potential home schoolers are having quite a few obstacles thrown in their paths lately.

    "This may be of interest..."

    It is, particularly in light of another story I've noted today, to be posted tomorrow...

    "...the story of the Muslim guy who set up a TV station intended to promote a more positive image of Islam. He has just been arrested for beheading his wife."

    Yikes! PR FAIL!
