Sunday 1 February 2009

Sunday Funnies....

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you foreign movie posters! (via Ace of Spades).

You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll wonder what the hell the artists were thinking....


  1. The "Weekend at Bernie's" one reminded me of something similar done recently as a (very effective, I thought) representation of Alistair Darling…

  2. Lol!

    I think my favourite is still the 'Ghostbusters' one. What was the artist on?

    The 'Bullitt' one is just too disturbing for words!

  3. That was funny. My favourite was the Planet of the Apes (though they were all good).

    Good to see you have a blog Julia, I have noticed your comments here and there on the internet and always enjoy reading what you have to say.
