Wednesday 18 February 2009

Well, Since We’re Bringing Back The Seventies…

..why not let the Yorkshire Ripper loose?
The decision is a major step towards 62-year-old Sutcliffe's aim of being freed altogether. He was jailed for life in 1981 after murdering 13 women and trying to kill seven others over a five-year period in the 1970s.
‘Jailed for life’, eh…?

That only lasted until he was found insane and sent to Broadmoor.
If the Ministry of Justice agrees with the doctors' verdict, he will be sent to a medium-secure unit where he could be allowed out on short release for rehabilitation. A source close to Mr Sutcliffe told The Sun he is regarded as a "model patient" at Broadmoor, and medics are more concerned about the risk the public poses to him rather than the risk he poses to the public.

"He is effectively cured as long as he never stops taking his medication," the source said.
In other words, and as we say here on Earth, ‘not cured at all’….
It emerged in 2006 that he is not among the 35 "worst" offenders who have been told that they must spend their entire life behind bars.

Sutcliffe is now represented by human rights lawyer Saimo Chahal. His legal team have fought hard recently to have him declared sane and given a release date.
If he needs to take medication to stay sane, he isn’t sane. Or is that distinction totally lost on a bunch of lawyers?
A source close to the convict said: "Peter was told last month by his lawyers that after detailed discussions with the Broadmoor team he'd been classified as low risk.

"The psychiatrists advised that if the powers-that-be allowed him to be re-categorised and sent to a medium secure unit, he was at low risk of trying to escape or breaking the rules.
Hmm, yeah. Nothing ever goes wrong with those decisions, does it? And right on cue….
"A risk assessment was done as to whether Peter was likely to abscond if allowed out on the streets alone. But Peter told me he was marked as low risk on every aspect of his behaviour," the source said.

"He has been a model patient. He has never caused any aggravation and is liked by the staff.
A man who butchered 13 women is ‘liked by the staff’…? I’d be a bit more worried about the staff walking the streets, frankly!
The source said the main concern was that Sutcliffe might be recognised.

"Peter said the only fly in the ointment was that it was agreed he was at very high risk of being attacked and hurt if people outside recognised he was the Yorkshire Ripper.

"However that was countered by the fact that he is now unrecognisable as the Peter that was locked up. He is bloated up to 19st, his complexion is bad and he shuffles about. Peter's trademark jet black well-groomed beard is now grey and straggly."
Well, if this does go ahead, and Derek Draper lets himself go just a little bit more, the potential for all kinds of comedic confusion is endless….


  1. Unlike you, golden eyes, I would let him free.

    He wouldn't last 5 minutes. Job done.

  2. In the name of all that is Unholy, they can't let him out, despite what AEA says.

    I lived in West Yorkshire at the time, it was awful, he really was a terrorist, women had to go to all sorts of trouble to make sure that they were never alone in the evenings, and he got away with it for years, it really was a huge cloud hanging over people's lives. To be honest, he scared people a lot more than the possibility that there might be a nuclear war. The total misery that he caused is almost immeasurable.

  3. At least he shouldn't have any trouble finding a job. He sounds like al-Qâ'idah's dream employee. He's even already got the beard.

  4. I know Peter Sutcliffe has done some bad things but there's no need to compare him to Derek Draper.

  5. At his trial some things didn't come out for various reasons. If they had he'd have been chucked into the oubliette for all time.

    They're not mad enough to let him out are they?

    Oh, it's New Labour!

  6. It is obvious he will be let out. Politicians have said they have "absolutely no intention of letting him out" and that means give him a short time and he will be hopping, skipping and jumping around the local streets with the rest of us.

  7. "He wouldn't last 5 minutes."

    I wonder, though. Does he still inspire the vengeful feelings that, say, the Bulger killers or the Moors Murderers did..?

    "To be honest, he scared people a lot more than the possibility that there might be a nuclear war. "

    Good lord! I haven't read up on him much. I must do so...

    "I know Peter Sutcliffe has done some bad things but there's no need to compare him to Derek Draper."


    "Politicians have said they have "absolutely no intention of letting him out" and that means give him a short time and he will be hopping, skipping and jumping around the local streets with the rest of us."

    You know, nothing would surprise me less...
