Tuesday 10 March 2009

Getting Your Retaliation In First?

A Muslim police officer claims he was forced out of his job by colleagues who made fun of his beard and called him a 'f***ing Paki'.

Because in today’s post-McPherson police service, I’d say there’s about as much chance of any police officer doing that as there is of them using their initiative or settling for a warning to a speeding driver instead of a fixed penalty.
PC Javid Iqbal, 38, said white officers openly discussed in front of him how they were ' better' than their ethnic-minority colleagues.

The married father of two also claims officers pulled faces at each other if told they had to go out on patrol with him and forced him to walk home from a job instead of picking him up.
So why isn’t he bathed in the warm comfort of a racial grievance case, rather than out on his ear and suing for wrongful dismissal?
Mr Iqbal says he was sacked after fellow-officers in Luton launched a 'smear and witch-hunt campaign' during which they lodged a string of complaints about his performance.
Hmmm, complaints about his performance, eh?
Mr Iqbal, who was born and raised in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, told the Daily Mail: 'My beard is an important part of my identity which helps other Muslims relate to me.

'I am disgusted that I was bullied by other officers because of my beliefs. I became a policeman because I believed in putting something back into society.

'I have found that institutional racism is still very much around.'
Have you? And when did you ‘find that out’, I wonder? After they sacked you, or before?
Mr Iqbal was working in Hertfordshire County Council's finance department when he became a special constable for the Bedfordshire force, one day a week.

Following the 7/7 bombings in London in 2005, he volunteered to go on patrol every night after work for two weeks to help reassure the large Muslim population of Luton, who were concerned about revenge attacks.
I’m sorry…?

Correct me if I’m wrong, but we don’t (yet) have separate police services for each minority culture, so if Iqbal thought his main concern should have been ‘the Muslim community’, he is, indeed, not fit to be a police officer, possible boorish treatment from his colleagues notwithstanding…
He says the first racist incident came in early 2006. He claims he was in a van with seven PCs and three 'tutor' constables - including one other Muslim - which stopped for food at a shop which did not sell halal products. When he asked if they were stopping anywhere else, he was told: 'This is it.'

Do you really think you were treated any differently to a vegetarian, or anyone else who believed that his ‘rights’ were paramount and should be adhered to by all present under pain of a tantrum?

Want halal food when the means of conveyance isn’t under your control? Pack sandwiches!
Mr Iqbal had only recently returned to work after a ninemonth leave of absence on full pay owing to depression when he was sacked for poor performance in August last year. He says he was the victim of untrue allegations, such as failing to report a rape claim. He insists the woman complained only of harassment at the time.
Nine months of full pay for ‘depression’, paid for by the taxpayer. Nice...
A source at Bedfordshire Police claimed Mr Iqbal was sacked because he was 'not cut out to be a police officer'. A spokesman added: 'We can't comment on a case that is yet to be heard but the evidence will speak for itself.'
Yes, it’s going to be interesting, I suspect. It will either show that racism is rife in the police ranks and is condoned by senior officers (thus putting Sir Trev’s nose out of joint).

Or it’ll show that cries of ‘racism’ are the last gasp of those who’ve been found wanting in their jobs and given the push.

Thus making the lives of those real victims of racism just that little bit harder...


  1. The race industry is something else, isn't it!?

  2. when he became a special constable for the Bedfordshire force, one day a week.

    Then we read;

    Mr Iqbal had only recently returned to work after a ninemonth leave of absence on full pay owing to depression .......
    Nine months of full pay for ‘depression’, paid for by the taxpayer. Nice...

    Lets get this story straight shall we.

    Is he a special or a full time policeman?

    Because if he is a special he DOES NOT GET PAY!

    Answers ASAP please.

    Von Brandenburg-Preußen.

  3. The trouble is so many VEM's or BME's (whatever the acronym is) were recruitred by being told they could be 'bridges' between the police service and the gay/muslim/black whatever community. Some of these recruits were astonished when told they had to work nights. The service bent over backwards and gave into all sorts of demands that surely cannot be applied to what should primarily be a 24 hour police force not a huge state funded social engineering facility.Some of these 'special' recruits thought they could pick and choose what they did and then expected to be promoted quickly through the ranks doing much the same (Tariq Ghaffur / Ali Dizaei).
    The police service of this country along with everything else reaps what it sowed.
    And Boris wants an amnesty! What message etc....?
    I can't work out if this idiot has been sacked or is still drawing a nice little salary for doing bugger all.

  4. I can't work out if this idiot has been sacked or is still drawing a nice little salary for doing bugger all.

    Look will some one at least take NOTICE of my point, idf not answer it.

    If he is/was a Special, he DOES NOT GET PAY!!!

    Or can any one prove differently in this case?

    Von Brandenburg-Preußen.

  5. OR are you going down the "Mail" rout of ignoring all questions that inconvieniently destroy your little conspiracy against the tax payer theories?


  6. If you bothered to read the linked article, you will see this:

    In October that year [2005] he was accepted on to a training course to become a full-time constable.

    Does that answer your question?

  7. "Because if he is a special he DOES NOT GET PAY!"

    Hmm, I've read around a few other papers carrying this and found that the 'Mail' has also now amended its story:

    "In October that year he was accepted on to a training course to become a full-time constable. "

    So, he seems to have started out as a special, and then decided to move on up to become full time police officer.

    But you're right, the original 'Mail' story was ambiguous as to his status.

  8. But Von Spreuth was right, that para was not in the original story published yesterday. They seem to have amended it at some point, possibly because similar questions were asked...

  9. Ah... That explains much. I wish they wouldn't do that.

  10. Thanks. I thought I was going madder. :-)

    But also a normal Mail trick.

    Von Brandenburg-Preußen.

  11. I don't have all the information to reach an unbiased conclusion.

    Individual comments seem fair enough but standing back a few paces does give the nostrils a whiff of racism. Perhaps it is my own nasal hair Van Spreuth, nicht wahr?

  12. "..a whiff of racism.."

    Pray tell me, what 'race' are Muslims, Dr?
