Wednesday 25 March 2009

I Didn’t Much Care For The Seventies The First Time Around...

A series of inflation-busting pay rises for millions of public sector workers was given the green light yesterday – at a time when private firms are freezing wages and cutting jobs.
How can this be?

Well, it’s quite simple. The unions have scented the fear from Brown over the forthcoming election:
In a sign that Labour is unwilling to take on the unions, the Government has agreed to honour increases of more than 2 per cent a year until 2011.
So it’s up to others to do what should be done by the government and holler from the rooftops at the unfairness of this:
But in a clear sign of rising anger, British Chambers of Commerce chief David Frost said: ‘Across the country I am hearing of more and more businesses left with no choice but to freeze and cut wages.

‘It is unacceptable that the public sector should not share any of this pain. There is already an apartheid between public and private sectors on pensions. We cannot have apartheid on pay too.’
Indeed we can’t. The public sector monstrosity is unsustainable.
John Cridland of the CBI said: ‘The growing gap between public and private sector pay increases must be addressed, particularly as government debt skyrockets and the recession deepens.’
But the unions aren’t about to loose their grip on the hapless Gordon’s throat, no matter how much the private sector shouts and waves burning torches:
TUC general secretary Brendan Barber issued a warning to ministers not to renege on their promises.

How long before the rubbish piles up in the streets and the dead go unburied yet again? So do all Labour governments perish….

Ranting Stan hopes for the revolution. I don’t see Call Me Dave as Che Guevara, though.


  1. Public sector workers have to share the pain and the Unions know this. We must all confront our greed in never ending pay rises and learn from past lessons. Nobody takes a cut because nobody wants to. At the micro economic level, having enough in a teapot for two but surprised by a guest, means a little less in each cup. National economic equations are complex enough before the subtle shades of politics are added, yet it all boils down to each individual wanting more than their entitlement.

    Cultures exist where personal relationships are highly treasured assets. Inevitably such cultures lead to simpler and less demanding lives but considerably happier in many regards, than our own. We would not think of asking a generation of children if it be best to downsize and lack the courage to explain the nature of their future debts if we do not.

  2. ...and we have a bona fide, give up at the first hint of trouble Ted Heath disaster in the making Tory 'leader' to solve all our problems.

    Oh, Hell..

  3. "...yet it all boils down to each individual wanting more than their entitlement. "

    Which is no more than human nature, and always has been.

    But it used to be frowned upon. Now, with the culture of 'rights' and the 'where there's blame, there's a claim' mentality it's seen as absurd not to take a fill-your-boots attitude.

    Changing that is going to take a long time..

    "..disaster in the making Tory 'leader'.."

    He's so very disappointing. Perhaps Dan Hannan could be enticed to stand for Leader instead...?

  4. "I don’t see Call Me Dave as Che Guevara, though."

    Che Sera, Sera perhaps, but that's about all...
