Friday 1 May 2009

"Scream Quietly or the Neighbors Tories Will Hear"

Two senior ministers, according to 'The Telegraph', have spoken about their leader:
One minister close to Mr Brown told The Daily Telegraph: “We can still turn this round, but Gordon is not listening. He is lashing out and reacting to headlines. It’s all so reminiscent of the last months of John Major.

“If we don’t get our act together — and that means Gordon needs some better advice — we could go down to a defeat every bit as big as, if not bigger than, the Tories in 1997.”
Hmmm, something familiar about that statement. I wonder what?

Oh, here's another:
Another Cabinet minister said: “Gordon is looking for someone to blame for the Gurkhas but he refused to see that we were in trouble and did not see it coming. Instead we had the spectacle of the Prime Minister, insisting at the dispatch box at 12.15, that the deal was the right one, only to be defied by dozens of our MPs only hours later.

“I am afraid we are giving the impression that we have lost control of our own side. We have to get a grip, give him better advice, otherwise there will be more talk of leadership challenges, which is the last thing we want.”
Ah, yes! Now I know what it reminds me of.

Battered wives, attempting to rationalise why they don't leave the man in their life. 'Oh, if only I'd got the dinner ready on time, he wouldn't have hit me!' 'Oh, but I force him to do it by arguing with him' 'I can change!'...

Look, dimwits, there was nothing wrong with the advice you gave Gordon. He simply refused to take it, because it contradicted his own views. You could have wheeled in Stephen Hawking, the resurrected shade of Ghandi and Merlin the bloody magician, and Gordon wouldn't have listened to any of them, if they were saying anything that contradicted him.

It's not you, ministers. It's him! Do the right thing. Kick him out...


  1. Instead we had the spectacle of the Prime Minister, insisting at the dispatch box at 12.15, that the deal was the right one, only to be defied by dozens of our MPs only hours later.Actualy I would have described it as a perfect example of democcracy in action.

    M.Ps, and "news" papers seem to have misslaid the concept that, in a democcracy, people put foreward a point of view, and it can be defeated as WELL as being applauded. And being the Prim minister, contrary to Incapability Browns view of himself, does NOT make one into an infalible "God".

    This is not the end of politics, this IS politics. Some people apear not to understand that any more.

    Von Brandenburg-Preußen

  2. So you're saying that Sarah Brown physically abuses Gordon? I hope not, as that might make some of us feel sympathy for him.

  3. "It's not you, ministers. It's him!"

    I disagree. My take is that Brown is the epitome of all socialists and their dogma. None of them can see that all people are the same and equal in their ability to be different!

  4. It's funny isn't it, how every sane person knew that The Goblin King would be an absolute disaster except for the people who actaully allowed him to become PM? So they were the ones not listening to advice.

  5. "Actualy I would have described it as a perfect example of democcracy in action."

    Me too. And the fact that the MSM & the politicians have apparantly forgotten that tells you just why we are in this state...

    "None of them can see that all people are the same and equal in their ability to be different!"

    If the only ones they ever see are the sycophants, toadies and naked power-grabbers around them, is it any wonder?

    Can any of them be said to live in the real world, I wonder?

    "So they were the ones not listening to advice."

    Good point...

  6. 'Gordon is not listening.'

    There may be a reason for this; is it possible that Brown's hearing is not all it should be?

    If so, he could never admit it in today's political climate - not with his well-documented sight problems - but it could well mean he is struggling behind the scenes to appreciate the finer points made by his ministers.

    More on this theory at:

  7. I hope they hang on to Gordon 'Albatross' McBroon until the next general election. We need to be reminded why these fuckers should never, ever get in again.

    LMAO the word verification was cyclop

  8. "LMAO the word verification was cyclop"

    Heh. Guess that Turing word gizmo isn't becoming sentient after all, or it'd have waited until tomorrow, when I post my movie review...
