Wednesday 17 June 2009

Channel Invasion Imminent?

This could be nasty:
Hundreds of armed riot police massed on Tuesday as anarchists pledged to mobilise migrants in Calais to 'tear down border controls and make for Britain'.

The authorities vowed to detain offenders and said they were expecting 2,000 protesters at a 'Freedom of Movement' camp in the port town.
The French don’t take quite as lassaiz faire an attitude about this as the Brits, happily:
'We're prepared for the worst,' said state prosecutor Jean-Phillipe Joubert.

'Emergency magistrates will be mobilised to ensure anyone causing trouble will be imprisoned immediately. '
If only we had the same sort of officials here…
One of the anarchists, who has camped next to the elite CRS police officers' quarters, said: 'Calais is a symbol of injustices committed against the world's migrants.'
They sound suspiciously like SOAS students on a cross-channel awayday…

It seems, however, that some of the French officials have not been above encouraging this type of action:
Last month, the mayor of Calais, Natacha Bouchart, said Britain's benefits culture and lax asylum system had 'imposed' thousands of refugees on her town.

She demanded millions in compensation and even called for border controls to be lifted, allowing all migrants to flood across the Channel at the earliest opportunity.

Such views are heartily supported by the anarchists organising the 'No Border' demonstrations, set to run from next week.
She’s not wrong in her conjecture about the cause of this, though.

If you don’t want wasps at your picnic, you need to ensure you replace the lid on your pot of jam. Leave it open, and what do you expect?


  1. A bit of real anarchy for the anarchists could be useful.

    10% dead should be enough to convince them

  2. Seems a bit on the low side...

  3. There's a qualitative difference between demanding that immigrants be free to LEAVE your country and free to ENTER it.

    Note too, that the primary injustice motivating their protest is not the injustice of less generous French welfare provision but easing the movement away from France.

    Progressives. Don't you just love 'em?

  4. I like the quote from Natacha Bouchert. If any Brit were to say this they would be rounded on as racist.

  5. Maybe they could recruit UK border staff direct from Northern Ireland. I understand that thingsa re so horrible for a few Romanian 'refugees' that they all want to RETURN to Romania! Of course that nice UK government will put them up in Kensington townhouses or next door to YOU and ME.

  6. They'd have to be Unionist border staff surely? Nationalists would be more than happy waving in Mr Al-Qaeda and giving him benefits.

    wv: fooks ('em?)

  7. Volley fire, twenty paces. Five minutes of that should be enough.

  8. Unfortunately you are correct, we need to stop giving benefits to new arrivals. We also need to send people home when they become destitute or are discovered to be illegal.

    At the very least, they can tell the others that entering the UK has to be done through legal means.

  9. "Of course that nice UK government will put them up in Kensington townhouses or next door to YOU and ME."

    Hell of a lot more chance of the latter than the former, I think!

  10. "At the very least, they can tell the others that entering the UK has to be done through legal means."

