Friday 12 June 2009

The Man On The Clapham Omnibus*.... a stiff:
A dead bus passenger was driven around London and remained on board overnight after staff failed to the spot his body, an inquest heard today.
What about the cleaners, you ask? Well, you probably haven't ridden on many buses if you think they'd deal with this:
Paul Bailey, accident prevention manager for London Central Bus Company, told the hearing the driver thought Mr Modzelewski was asleep and tried to rouse him at New Cross Gate bus garage.

'But there was no response. He drove the bus into the garage to be refuelled and cleaned by contractors,' Mr Bailey said.

'He forgot to tell anyone about the man. The cleaners didn't clean the bus and on finishing his duty, the driver went home.'
London Transport's finest, ladies and gentlemen...

There's a webpage for the London Central Bus Company, where you can leave reviews.

Surprisingly, it's still up. ;)

* Bus shown not actually going to Clapham.


  1. Nothing like a spot of professionalism, is there?

    "Forgetting" that there is a "sleeping" passenger on the bus then parking it up for the night? Pretty shocking.

    I was once trapped in a Berlin tube train when the driver took it out of service but forgot to tell our carriage...

  2. It's pretty startling, even for this blase Londoner!

  3. Thats just sick, This one is a good contender for taking the biscuit.
