Saturday 6 June 2009

Now, They Are Just Having A Laugh....

Ho ho ho:
A young mother who was put under a home curfew after drunkenly assaulting another woman at a party is still being allowed out on Saturday nights, 'because it is summer'.
Judge William Hart said he would not confine Lisa Partington, 19, indoors for seven nights a week because it was 'not in her interests' to be confined to her home seven days a week.
It's not meant to be in her interests. It's meant to be a punishment for being a drunken, violent little slapper!


  1. 'not in her interests' to be confined to her home seven days a week

    With seven days to pick from, he chooses to let her out on a Saturday?

  2. It's not meant to be in her interests. It's meant to be a punishment for being a drunken, violent little slapper!

    I think you missed your calling. I can imagine you behind the bench summing up: "It's a punishment you drunken, violent little slapper." Cheers and whistles from the public gallery, Judge Julia stops for autographs on the way out... :D

  3. The sooner we have elected judges the better. Where do they get these people from, no don't answer that.
