Monday 29 June 2009

PC McQuarrie Isn't Helping To Dispel The Image...

...of Scotsmen as chippy, whiny little babies :
David Cameron has ordered an investigation into a claim that a Tory MP manhandled and racially abused a Scottish policeman during a demonstration in Parliament Square.

Mark Pritchard is accused of calling PC Ray McQuarrie a ‘scuffer’ – said to be slang for peasant – and of trying to push him out of the way when his route to the Commons was blocked.
Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but that's an offence, isn't it? Why did PC McQuarrie not arrest him on the spot?

Instead of going home to write a snivelling letter about it later, then ringing the Daily Fail?
He wrote to Mr Cameron: ‘On April 20th between 11pm and 11.40pm I was involved in crowd control duties in Parliament Square. A man approached my inspector and wanted to be allowed through the police cordon which was there because of the Tamil protesters who were seated in the middle of the road.

‘When he was not allowed through he complained saying: “You should have got rid of that lot weeks ago”. (Ed: A very good point..)

‘Then he said, “If you won’t allow me to walk on a British pavement you can arrest me”. He was asked to move on and said, “I’m not talking to a Scottish scuffer” – a derogatory term for the uneducated peasant underclass. He said: “I don’t want to talk to you, I want to talk to the English officer.”

‘He then tried to push me out of the way. We then tried to escort him away and at this point he became abusive towards my inspector and colleagues. It seemed he was under the influence of alcohol. I consider his behaviour to be racist and I would like a written apology.’
Oh, do behave, you whiny little crybaby! Do you want Davey to kiss you and make it all better?

Now, how come police bloggers have to fear the dreaded investigation for telling the truth about policing, and therefore 'bringing the police force into disrepute', yet this delicate little flower is allowed to write to a political party and have his name all over the media showing at least one policeman to be the sort who really shouldn't be allowed to be out on his own..?


  1. Well the sweaty could have arrested the MP and then he and the taxpayer would have lost him for hours, days even as the lumbering bureacracy of dealing with a prisoner rolled along, made worse by the'DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM' arsehole he was dealing with. I was rather amused by it all really, I suppose seeing it from the other side. The 'racist' interpretation of 'scuffer' is complete bollocks though, 'scuffer' means the same as 'rozzer' or 'gavver' etc (Sweatys have been encouraged to bleat about racism by those running Britten and the way Jockland is almost independant). I could go on....but I won't; other than to say that MP's have got their own back many, many times over by the release of their report into the G20 tactics today.

  2. "scuffer" is North-western English slang {especially around Liverpool (hawk, spit)} for 'policeman,' as Ranter points out to this ignorant mainstream media journalist wonk.

    'Busies' is another charming expression for the boys in blue from the Lower Mersey's International City of Culture.

  3. I'm not going to get in to the ridiculous "racism" argument - but what I would like to know is when did it become normal for the police to act to prevent people going about their lawful business (walking on British streets) so that others could pursue their unlawful activities (illgeal protest)?

    It's this sort of thing which leads to the public approval of the police being so poor.

  4. "..MP's have got their own back many, many times over by the release of their report into the G20 tactics today."

    Oh, yes. And how...

    "...when did it become normal for the police to act to prevent people going about their lawful business (walking on British streets) so that others could pursue their unlawful activities (illgeal protest)?"

    About the same time they abandoned the Peelian Principles for 'community based policing contracts'...
