Saturday 6 June 2009

Peter Davies Just Stuck His Head In The Lion's Mouth...

The new English Democrat party mayor of Doncaster has started as he means to go on:
The newly-elected mayor of Doncaster has threatened to cut funding to the town's Gay Pride event as part of his pledge to fight political correctness.

Peter Davies, of the English Democrats, said: "My policy on gays and lesbians is very simple.

"I don't think councils should be spending money on them parading through town advertising their sexuality."
Who could object to that?

Well, apart from Pride, Stonewall and all the other activist groups, that is...
Doncaster Pride said the event, which attracts up to 8,000 people, would still take place on 16 August.

A statement from the Doncaster Pride Committee said: "We believe everyone has a right to their opinion and if the newly elected mayor of Doncaster holds personal opinions about the staging of a Pride event in the borough we feel he is entitled to that view.

"However, in the last two years we have brought over 6,000 visitors into Doncaster and anticipate an audience this year of up to 8,000.

"These people spend money in Doncaster and come to enjoy a great day out."
And if a pop festival is held, that would attract people too. Should it therefore help itself to taxpayers money?
The organisers said they had received "massive support" from other agencies, including South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service, South Yorkshire Police, the Home Office and a number of trade unions.

"The simple message is the show goes on. We as a committee are resolute in our aims to bring this event to Doncaster and will do so with or without support from Doncaster council."
So, finance it yourself, and everyone will be happy.
Mr Davies said: "I have nothing whatsoever against gays and lesbians, what they do in their private lives is absolutely fine.

"But I don't see why councils should be spending money on that sort of thing."
Nor do I. And nor do the residents of Doncaster who voted for you, it seems.

He has ambitious plans too:
Mr Davies has also stated he intends to cut funding for translation services for non-English speakers in the borough.

The English Democrats say they want "English freedoms and values, not multiculturalism".

They also advocate withdrawal from the European Union, the "right to enjoy and celebrate Englishness", an end to political correctness and an end to mass immigration.
Sentiments which resonated with enough of the populace to get him elected.

Now watch the Righteous turn on this tiny party and demonise them in the way they have the BNP (who may well, if the local elections mirror the EU elections to come, fail to make the predicted headway). I predict Mr Davies is in for a bumpy ride.
Party chairman Robin Tilbrook said: "Peter has done fantastically well, he's fought a great campaign on the issues that really matter.

"This is not only a great result for the people of Doncaster, it's a great result for the people of England too. Peter is now truly the Boris Johnson of the north."
Hmmm, not sure about that..!

But it's a good start. Doncaster is a place to keep your eye on.


  1. It's not as bad as this (yet)

    up your alley

    This is a report from a gay pride event in San Fransisco by "Zombie". It's beyond disturbing.

    The landing page is safe and contains warnings which I suggest paying some attention too unless you have a copious supply of mind bleach (and I'm fresh out).

    You might also explore Zombie's other photography, which show's the left for what they are.

  2. Oh, yes! I've seen the photos from those events.

    Good god, the idea that anyone would display themselves in that way to advance a (initially good) cause is mindblowing.

  3. Good to see taxpayers money still going in via the FIRE BRIGADE and POLICE! WTF is that all about?

  4. Dr Melvin T Gray6 June 2009 at 21:05

    Mr Davies stands to win wider acclaim by introducing an appropriate scale of charges.

  5. Please read this before you start to accept anything to do with the EDP.

  6. I am happy to say that i had Mr Davies as my form teacher and R.E.Teacher during the early 90's and he was very straight talking and to the point. He never forced bible studies and asked us what we wanted to know.As long as he sticks to that formula of what people want then i think he is the right man for the job. Just to quote on stevesharks attempt of fuelling a political debate. Your quoting a blog from a different forum about a different EDP candidate called Steve Uncle. Regardless of this persons tact, what has that got to do with Peter Davies views, opinions or skills for the job in hand.

  7. "Now watch the Righteous turn on this tiny party and demonise them... I predict Mr Davies is in for a bumpy ride"

    Referring to Steve Shark's post above, it would appear that this blogger's original comments were very prescient indeed!

    I agree with S Miller here. Let Peter Davies be judged on what he does for the people of Doncaster, not based on what a few cranks would try to stir up regarding the English Democrats.

  8. Yes, it's about Steve Uncles, but he's a big fish in the EDP's little pool.
    Hell, even many EDP members think he should go, but as he funds them as well, he's hard to keep quiet.
    Surely you can appreciate that if you have such people in positions of power within a party then you cannot be sure what the true agenda of the party is.
    I mean, just look at people like Ed Balls and Brown...

  9. @invicta
    Prescience has absolutely nothing to do with it - I wrote that blog entry a few days chew on that.
    As for being a crank, if you think that it's OK for a parliamentary candidate to state his opposition to racism and bigotry and then post a racist and bigoted joke on a public forum then you deserve politicains like these EDP types.

  10. "Please read this before you start to accept anything to do with the EDP."

    Hmm, OK...

    Read it. And...? I mean, one of the party backers posted a joke I've seen many times (usually with different subjects, depending on audience) that some regard as tasteless, and that's it?

    "Let Peter Davies be judged on what he does for the people of Doncaster..."

    Indeed. He won by less than 400 - if he proves to be a liability, it's up to the people of Doncaster to vote him out.

  11. At least Mr davies is not afraid to speak his mind and tells it how it is. Unlike many others in positions of power that answer a question with a question. Transparency is the key to democracy and as long as we can see results for the better management and not the hidden agendas of his predessors then i believe its a step in the right direction. We should all wait and see

  12. The amazing thing about this is that the main parties were smashed in this election, an openly populist, openly English candidate was elected and the first I knew about it on the BBC was this article.

    Surely a political earthquake like this should have merited more reporting on the BBC website than a perfunctory article buried in the South Yorkshire section? I know it's "oop north" and so beyond the interest of the Metropolitan beeboids, but even so...

  13. The BBC are not going to support/broadcast too much about this as it could snow ball and before you know it the country is run by English Democrats who are just about to stop the tv licencing fee and the BBC said........Ah good no more eastenders.
    Just a bit of humour.sorry.

  14. "The amazing thing about this is that the main parties were smashed in this election, an openly populist, openly English candidate was elected and the first I knew about it on the BBC was this article."

    That's 'amazing'...? ;)

  15. @JuliaM
    If anyone from the three major parties standing as a candidate for the EU - which Uncles is, so he's not just a party funder - cracked that joke then they'd be dropped quicker than Prezza could pounce on a lard pie.
    If nothing else, it would show that they lacked any form of PR skills or discretion.
    Yes, we all know that politicians will say one thing and then think another, but they're usually a lot more careful than Uncles.

  16. "If anyone from the three major parties standing as a candidate for the EU - which Uncles is, so he's not just a party funder - cracked that joke then they'd be dropped quicker than Prezza could pounce on a lard pie.

    If nothing else, it would show that they lacked any form of PR skills or discretion."

    Politicians from the three major parties have cracked those kinds of jokes and been ridiculed for it. Remember the Winterton cockle-pickers episode?

    So what? The parties survived, and if the voters don't want the politicians making off colour jokes, it's up to them to take action at the ballot box.

    It's not for some star chamber to decide what is and is not acceptable to say, based on whatever is the latest fad in the multi-culti circles.

    That way leads to ridiculous decisions like this one.

  17. The 'niggardly' incident is just born out of plain ignorance and I agree it's stupid. Moreover, there was no intent to offend, I'm sure.
    Not so with Uncles.
    As for taking action at the ballot boxes...well, Brown seem to be doing a cracking job of preventing us from doing so.
    Off colour?
    So you don't think that if you were a Pakistani or a Pole then you'd be offended?
    I'm not being argumentative - just trying to ascertain your viewpoint. I read your blog regularly and often agree - but not in this case...

  18. I like this man. Sensible policies. Don't waste money on trivia. Good man.

  19. "As for taking action at the ballot boxes...well, Brown seem to be doing a cracking job of preventing us from doing so. "

    Oh, I think it's out of his hands now. If we get more elections of fringe party candidates like Davies, maybe irrevocably so...

    "So you don't think that if you were a Pakistani or a Pole then you'd be offended?"

    Probably I would be.

    But I'm in agreement with Stephen Fry on this: "You're offended? So ******* what?"

    When did we decide that to never, ever be confronted with something which offends or disturbs us was a good idea?

  20. I'm sorry, SteveShark, but Steve Uncles' joke leaves me thoroughly unoutraged. Indifferent would be closer to the mark.

    Among jokes following this fairly common template, it is not particularly funny. It is just a rather long-winded way for the teller to state that he thinks there are too many Poles and Pakistanis in the country; a commonly enough held view, but so what? Where's the punchline?

    The is essentially a rather weak political joke. If it didn't involve "immigrant" groups, allowing the Righteous to scream "racist", nobody would give half a shit. Just what is it with the Righteous and "racism", anyway?

    As to the character and acceptability of the man Uncles himself I cannot speak as I know little of him. From what little I have seen he comes across as a boor and a bit of a bully. Probably make a damned fine politician, then.

    I did, however, like John Demetriou's description of Uncles in his comment to your post:

    "For me, Uncles is your typical Wetherspoon’s Pub bore, minus any semblance of charm. He rants off, thinks he is so right about everything, yet ultimately no-one listens to him outside of his table of sad, scruffy hangers on and miscreants."

    Hmm. Sounds rather like most of the posters and commenters on Pickled Politics and Socialist Unity then.

  21. I obviously don't understand attitudes to racism then.
    Who are these 'Righteous' of whom you speak?
    If you mean those who have made it impossible to comment on race issues for fear of being branded racist then I'm in total agreement with you.
    I happen to believe that had more open debate and public consultation taken place regarding immigration and integration about 15 to 20 years ago then the issue wouldn't have become the sole province of powerful minority interest groups and professional stiflers of public opinion.
    However, if the 'Righteous' are those who object to offensive remarks based on a person's immutable characteristics - such as colour, disability, etc, then I can't agree.
    So, whilst I can cheerfully call Gordon Brown a twat - and much, much worse - I'm not very happy calling him a one-eyed Scottish twat.
    Abuse based on something that you can help being is fine - but not on immutables.
    It's possible to be selectively offensive.

  22. "Who are these 'Righteous' of whom you speak?"

    Well, I believe it was Leg-Iron who first coined the title.

    And yes, they do include 'those who have made it impossible to comment on race issues for fear of being branded racist'.

  23. My oldest friend came here as an immigrant from India when he was 7 years old. He has complained more than once to me about the intolerance of so called "anti-racists" who only end up stirring up trouble for him and his family - and not their own.

    I also know Peter Davies, a fine upstanding man who will do a grand job as Doncaster Mayor.

  24. The English Democrats have an alliance with the neo-nazi England First Party.
