Wednesday 24 June 2009

This Is NOT The Job Of The Police...

Police chiefs have come under fire for arranging a party for gipsies and travellers using £2,000 of taxpayers' money - to help improve relations.
I don't really need to say anything else.

Do I...?


  1. Dr Melvin T Gray24 June 2009 at 09:49

    No, no, Julia. This is surely mis-reported. The private party for a group of visitors was organised by and held on the lawns of, the Chief Constable for the area. Any decent Host knows the comfort of his guests are his responsibility and their catering needs are personally funded.

  2. No you don't. I'm speechless as no doubt are the majority of the officers and staff of that force. Still despite some common sense sounding announcements recently, this goes to illustrate what the dominant ideology of ACPO continues to be.

  3. If the police were clever they would have fingerprinted every item after the party and compared the results with the scenes of crime records for all unsolved crime in the area.

  4. "We know education is at the heart of some of these contentious issues."

    Let me guess - 'education' being a pack of lies, brainwashing and intimidation against anyone who opposes them.

  5. nbc had a brainwave.

    Meantime, this in the Daily Mail:

  6. "If the police were clever they would have fingerprinted every item after the party and compared the results with the scenes of crime records for all unsolved crime in the area."

    Heh! Nice one... ;)

    "Let me guess - 'education' being a pack of lies, brainwashing and intimidation against anyone who opposes them."

    Of course. It's everyone else who has the problem.

    From Land's End, to John O'Groats.

    Across all those diverse counties.

    Yeah. Right.

    "Meantime, this in the Daily Mail"

    Wow! Those are hard-to-argue-against figures.

    I'm sure someone will try their damndest, though...
