Tuesday 16 June 2009

Workbloggers Beware!

By now, you'll all have read about the disgraceful outing of 'Nightjack' by a reporter from the 'Times'. Can 'NHS Blog Doctor' and 'The Magistrate's Blog' stand? Using the same justification, it would seem they too are fair game for any little lickspittle eager to silence a critical voice or two.

Iain Dale, Obo, Blue Eyes and Old Holborn weigh in, and even those on the left are beginning to recognise this isn't a good thing, which is welcome.

I think the MSM and establishment will come to regret this action...

In other news, for those looking to register their displeasure at the Iranian election theft, there's this to amuse you... ;)

Update: Unenlightened Commentary, Leg-Iron, MummyLongLegs, and Harry's Place have added posts on this. All well worth reading.


  1. It's just crap isn't it. One would think there wasn't anything worthwile to investigate these days.


    Mummy x

  2. Just how much traffic does The Times get from the blogosphere and how much would it suffer if this traffic was withheld?

  3. Got him


  4. I don't know what the motive of The Times was, but this is a spectacular own goal.

    By revealing the identity of NightJack they have effectively abolished any right they may have had for protecting the anonymity of any sources they use.

    They will reap what they sow.

  5. If you're going to 'out' someone, surely to Christ you don't do it to someone so widely liked and respected by pretty much anyone who ever read him.

    They will rue the day.

  6. "It's just crap isn't it. One would think there wasn't anything worthwile to investigate these days."

    I guess that's modern 'journalism'... :(

    "ust how much traffic does The Times get from the blogosphere and how much would it suffer if this traffic was withheld?"

    Interesting point, particularly as they must rake in a fair bit on advertising...

    "Got him"

    Hah! Let's see if they like it up 'em...

  7. "By revealing the identity of NightJack they have effectively abolished any right they may have had for protecting the anonymity of any sources they use."

    I really think they haven't realised that this may backfire on them.

    "If you're going to 'out' someone, surely to Christ you don't do it to someone so widely liked and respected by pretty much anyone who ever read him."

    You do if he's a 'competitor' for your own sinking media...

  8. People like Nightjack were the only way that Joe Public could hear the truth & concerns from serving police officers. Now he has gone we shall only have the Government to tell us how marvellous everything is. Lampost & hemp please for the reptiles.

  9. "Now he has gone we shall only have the Government to tell us how marvellous everything is."

    I think (and hope) that the people who've read about this have had their eyes opened regardless.

    And there'll be others following in NJ's footsteps, I'm sure...

  10. I particularly liked this one in the "left" link;

    June 16, 2009 at 4:56 pm
    Similarly publishing a guide on how frustrate the justice system if you are arrested doesn’t seem compatible with being a detective.

    No. And publishing and distributing tens of thousands of credit card sized advice cards, on "how to behave when stopped and searched, or "S.T.U.D" cards, as they were also known, in the 70s and 80s, which were SPECIFICALY, designed to "frustrate the justice system", and in most cases unlike Jack Night, illegaly, is not compatible with being a politician. But how many of the commy bastards that are in the dictatorship today helped with THAT?

    Or is ot one rule for them and another for the Stalinists?

    Von Brandenburg-Preußen.
