Tuesday 14 July 2009

"...considered vulnerable..."

That's the verdict of Gravesham Council on the women and children of the travellers who, having been evicted once at a cost of £40000, have picked a new patch:
A group of war veterans face being evicted from their clubhouse after travellers demanded it be torn down to make way for more caravans.
They 'demanded'..?

Well, why not? Expecting them not to is rather like expecting Hannibal Lecter to pass up the human kidneys in favour of a nice spinach omlette. It's their nature. It's what they do...

And thanks to the spineless idiots who infest all councils that have to deal with these 'travellers', it works:
On its website, the council noted it had to be sensitive to the needs of the women and children on the site who were 'all considered vulnerable'.
So let's hear from one of these delicate, vulnerable women:
Gypsy traveller Anne Scarrott said: 'The council are going to knock the navy club down so we can have more space.

'There is not enough space while the navy club is here. We are all too close to each other and can see into each others' windows.'
Well, perhaps you shouldn't have parked your caravans there then....!


  1. What IS going on? Everyone is up in arms and councils are becoming less cagey about it all saying their hands are tied. When they do fight back - like Gravesham did, costing the taxpayer £40K to evict them from one place - further costs like this are incurred. Somewhere else was paying the TGB's £60 each to attend a meeting about how to get their full quota of benfits and now TGB spawn can turn up when and where they like to get a partial ejamakation whilst the rest of us get threatened with gaol if we try and do the best for our own kids!

    It is one big mindfuck!

  2. We must not withhold credit owed to Travellers for contributions to our economy. The boom in lead flashing production, security lighting, anti-climb paint, CCTV, intruder alarms, smartwater and lucky heather are but a few examples.

    (Incidentally, perimeter trees are taking up valuable space and should be removed. No respectable site is complete without adequate storage space for church roof lead and train signalling copper.)

  3. Come on, they're a minority. There is just not space for the majority.

  4. "The boom in lead flashing production, security lighting, anti-climb paint, CCTV, intruder alarms, smartwater and lucky heather are but a few examples."

