Wednesday 15 July 2009

Ferrets In A Sack, Labour Edition

Home Secretary Alan Johnson last night refused point blank to cap the number of immigrants coming to Britain.

And he said he does not 'lie awake at night' worrying about the population hitting 70million.
Well, no. I suppose if I were him, with a huge pension, allowing me to live anywhere I chose, I wouldn't either.
Immigration Minister Phil Woolas has pledged that the Government will not allow the population to grow to that level. But last night he was apparently undermined by his boss.
Who won’t stand for any jumped up little underling stealing his limelight, thank you very much. Particularly by appealing to the voting public.
'I do not lie awake at night worrying about a population of 70million,' he told the cross-party group of MPs.

'I'm happy to live in a multi-cultural society. I'm happy to live in a society where we not only welcome those coming to live and work in this country, but also where we can go and live and work in other countries.'
Just how ‘multi cultural’ is Hull West and Hessle, anyway?
The Home Secretary did acknowledge the recession has made it more difficult for ministers to convince British workers who have lost their jobs that immigration is beneficial.

But his argument goes against evidence that the vast majority of jobs created in the private sector have gone to immigrants - meaning local workers have failed to feel the benefits.
Who are you going to believe – the Home Sec or your lyin’….

Last night MigrationWatch director Sir Andrew Green said: 'No wonder the political class is in such disrepute.

'Here is a new Home Secretary immediately riding roughshod over public opinion that is hugely opposed to the mass immigration which this Government is encouraging.

'For a start, how is a government that is broke going to pay for all the houses, schools and hospitals that an extra seven million immigrants will need in the next 20 years?'
It isn’t.

Because it won’t be the government when this juggernaut comes rolling down the hill. It’ll be someone else’s problem.

And Alan Johnson will be livin’ large in (no doubt) a very un-multicultural part of town...
Former Labour Minister Frank Field, who runs a cross-party group called Balanced Migration, which campaigns to limit the number of immigrants to manageable levels, was dismissive of the Home Secretary's claims not to lie awake at night. He said: 'It must be a misquote because it should be.'
Oh, Frankie, Frankie...

That’s the politician’s equivalent of ‘No, he won’t beat me today, he does really love me…’ is it?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am happy to live in a multicultural society

    Perhaps this is the multicultural society he means
    Somali national kills Tunisian national leaves him to die on Old Kent Road, SE London

    Also note from the article, he started an argument earlier with a group of Algerians.

    You can't get much more multi-cultural than that Mr Johnson.

  3. Oh, I'm sure we can. We just need a few more Inuits or Uighers, and I'm sure things can get even more complicated!

    Or bloody...

  4. I always thought the Inuits were peacable Animists, unless you were a whale, walrus or seal.( Altough given the size of some of the heifers that mooch around here, they might harpoon a few by mistake)

    and I understand the Uighers are followers of the 'religion of peace'
    So no problem there then.

  5. The problem with Labours view on multi-culturism is that it consists of alienated ghettos rather than a big old melting pot.

    Immigration, on its own terms, has brought mostly good to the UK. On Labours terms we're fulfilling Enoch Powells prophecy.

    *sigh* I really need to become a dictator over the UK for a few years. I'd be mostly benevolent and depart leaving a more libertarian leaning nation. But first I'd round every Brownite, Blairite and New Labour apparatchik and personally hoof them out of a Chinook over the North Sea. It's what they deserve.

  6. I had the same thoughts as I read that! I am livid, fuming. Of course, he won't be worried and neither will any other politician, they all have fat pensions to look forward to.

    I think the whole of the 646 should be make to live in Brixton, in a block of flats for the next parliamentary year and see how they feel after that.

  7. Yet another good post Julia - have linked

  8. Home Secretary Alan Johnson last night refused point blank to cap the number of immigrants coming to Britain.
    And he said he does not 'lie awake at night' worrying about the population hitting 70 million.

    But does he lie awake at night worrying that a man with a bomb might not agree with him

  9. "On Labours terms we're fulfilling Enoch Powells prophecy."

    Indeed. If you actually wanted to foment unrest in the population, it's hard to see what you could do that would be different...

    "I think the whole of the 646 should be make to live in Brixton, in a block of flats for the next parliamentary year and see how they feel after that."

    Now that's an idea that just might bring it home to them!

    "But does he lie awake at night worrying that a man with a bomb might not agree with him"

    I wouldn't worry too much about this chap:

    "Lewington, an unemployed electrician, was arrested in October last year at Lowerstoft train station, where he had travelled for a date with a woman he met online.

    During the journey he drank alcohol and became abusive. At the train station he urinated on the platform, leading police to arrest him. "

    His little mission has 'FAIL' written all over it!

  10. I seethe when I hear people like Postman Johnston bang on about freedom of movement to live and work in other countries. We've 5 million on incapacity and a million plus NEETS under 20 or something. These DNA wasters , mainly thanks to 12 years of Nu-Labour and comprehensive education over the last 40 years - are incapable of getting a job in the UK let alone anywhere else. A large monority of Britains indigenous population isn't FIT FOR PURPOSE!
