Thursday 30 July 2009

I Can Think Of Plenty Of Better Reasons To Sack BBC Executives...

…’Survivors’ and ‘The One Show’ being just two of them.

But according to new hire Patrick Younge (yes, if that name rings a bell, you’ll see why in a minute), not bowing to the racemongers should be the only one:
One of the BBC’s top black executives has called for TV bosses to be sacked if they fail to meet racial diversity targets.
Patrick Younge, who is set to take over at BBC Vision, the corporation’s programme-making section, claimed there was not enough ‘internal pressure’ for change.

He has said the targets should be treated like financial aims, suggesting that if bosses miss them they should pay the consequences.
‘Not enough internal pressure for change’ means that the bosses demand it, but the people who actually do the job think they are idiots who don’t know what they are talking about.

And they are probably right:
His comments may be particularly embarrassing for the corporation’s top executives – as the BBC has failed to hit its own targets.

This year’s annual report showed it set a figure of 12.5 per cent of staff to come from black and minority backgrounds, but managed 12.1 per cent.

Its record for top staff was worse – it hoped to get 7 per cent of senior managers from this group but ended up with 5.6 per cent.
Someone remind me again what the breakdown is for ethnic minorities in UK society?
It was announced last month that Mr Younge, whose brother Gary writes for the Guardian, was re-joining the BBC after working for the Travel Channel in America since 2005.
Oh, yeah. He’s related to that Gary Younge.


One chippy racemonger in the paper-based MSM, one in the broadcast MSM…
Mr Younge, who will look after shows such as Top Gear and Doctor Who, suggested ITV was one of the worst offenders on the issue.

He told Broadcast magazine: ‘As far as I am aware, ITV doesn’t have one black or Asian commissioning editor and it really shows.’
It does?


Because as Dumb Jon and North Northwester point out, their output isn't exactly that different to the Beeb's exciting, diverse, surprising line up...