Saturday, 4 July 2009

Is It The Heat...?

Or has Bernie Ecclestone been sniffing the petrol?
Formula One chief Bernie Ecclestone last night provoked outrage by praising the policies of Adolf Hitler in an extraordinary interview.

The 78-year-old billionaire criticised modern politicians as 'weak' and praised the former Nazi leader's ability to 'get things done'.


  1. The national socialist supporter is a Labour party donor too is he not?

    We don't need the state to "get things done" we need it to leave people alone.

  2. No-one can top Bill Hicks infamous retort to a heckler shouting out 'Freebird':

    "Hitler had the right idea, he was just an underachiever"

  3. What is it about fast cars that attracts these weird people?

  4. "The national socialist supporter is a Labour party donor too is he not?".

    Yes but in Labourworld the Tories are Nazis because they've hooked up with a Latvian party whose members include some people who refuse to condemn their compatriots who fought with the Nazis to get the Communists out, but when one of Labour's biggest ever donors openly praises Hitler that proves nowt!

  5. I remember a series of lectures on TV a few years ago given by Brian Walden on the subject of dictators. The comparisons he drew between Blair and Hitler were chilling! Both used spin intensively (Goebells and Mandelson), both tokk little direct action perferring their sycophants to design policies most likely to please the leader. And, of course, their immediate sucessors were total prats (Brown and Goering). So I think Eccleston is simply going with the flow and voicing his support for National Socialism.

  6. Let us not forget that the underlying philosophy of National Socialism was - mirabile dictu - Socialism. Fascism and Communism are just two sides of a hideous life-denying coin. But our Fascists have always been of the Roderick Spode breed, rather than anything more sinister. Mussolini was, in his formative years, a theoretician of the Left, praised my Lenin. He was an undeniably Great Man*, which is why his being shot and strung up by his ankles was so richly deserved a fate. Bernie Ecclestone is a horrid little homunculus whom history will disdain. No-one needs to stoop so low as to destroy him. Scorn will be his reward.

    * as different from, and usually diametrically opposed to, a Good Man

  7. And those of you with a weak stomach, don't read the comments in this Daily Mail article. It seems for a large segment of the Mail-reading population, the question, "but what about all the good things Hitler did?" is not intended to be ironic.

  8. People DO get more right-wing as they get older!

  9. This is another example of someone who is world-famous because he is eminently successful in one sphere (in this case making money) but whose opinion in another sphere - in which he is manifestly a complete ignoramus - is treated as important and authoritative. The same is true of all those celebrities whose success in show-biz (eg Bono) gives them influence in matters in the real world on which they are massively ignorant.

  10. "We don't need the state to "get things done" we need it to leave people alone."

    Things get done quite well without the state interfering. At least, they used to...

    "So I think Eccleston is simply going with the flow and voicing his support for National Socialism."

    Of course. He'll expect to remain one of the elite...

    "Bernie Ecclestone is a horrid little homunculus whom history will disdain."

    I'm not going to wait for history. I'm getting my disdain on right now!

    "This is another example of someone who is world-famous because he is eminently successful in one sphere (in this case making money) but whose opinion in another sphere - in which he is manifestly a complete ignoramus - is treated as important and authoritative."

    This always bugs me, and always seem to happen - 'celebrities' are questioned on world events and political matters as if they were some kind of statesmen and women...

  11. You will all be surprised if he is just echoing the thoughts of a coming elite.
    Hitler was a great recruiter of the rich and influential.
    And he was elected. At least once.
    In times of recession , lawlessness etc.
    Can't happen??
