Thursday 30 July 2009

Multiculturalism In Action...

Police said one of the attackers was described as a light-skinned, mixed-race man, about 19 years old, 6ft tall and of an athletic build. He had short, dark-brown hair and was wearing a black, short-sleeved T-shirt and black bottoms.

The second attacker was described as Asian, aged around 14, about 5ft 4in tall and fat. He was wearing black clothing.

The driver of the car, which was possibly a five-door vehicle with tinted rear windows, was described as white, aged 17 to 18, of a wiry build with light-coloured, crew-cut hair.

Another member of the group was a black girl, aged around 14, about 5ft 2in tall, thin and with her hair tied back in a braid.
How diverse! How wonderfully vibrant ...


  1. Obviously one of the unlawful groups from the UN!

  2. It's so pathetic isn't it? Why aren't they just honest?

    The simple fact is, that most crime is now committed by ethnic minorities.. see, how hard is that?

    Is the truth racist now too?

  3. Sue, I could not possibly comment, but the 'this weeks wanted' on crimewatch does suggest that.
    Julia, the cheap newspapers have a habit of making the minds eye work overtime by their descriptions of women (victims of petty crime usually)
    In descending order
    'young attractive'
    'raven haired'

  4. blueknight, actually, the first time I saw this report it was NOT in the Daily Mail. It was on Yahoo News some 8 hours ago and wasn't in the Daily Mail until much later.

    Just try and find figures on "crime by ethnicity" and you will only find figures of "victims of crime by ethnicity".

    I know, to try to counter my cynical attitude, I have tried to disprove what I believe deep down is true.

    What makes things even worse is, if you estimate the figures in context of how many ethnic minorities there are as a percentage of the whole population! That's a huge proportion of crime perpetrated by foreigners.

    Why is everyone so scared to say the words?

    These acid attacks are really heinous assaults. This woman will be scarred for life! No wonder we don't like to complain about bad behaviour to the Police, just look at what happens? How long is this government (and the next) going to cover these facts up?

    This is not the behaviour of normal civilised human beings. These are crimes committed by people who have have no value for life and that is certainly not typical of the British!

    Until this issue is addressed, it's going to get worse because it's being swept under the carpet in the name of political correctness.

    It's happening all over Europe.. and the sooner it is addressed, the better.

  5. It's like the casting wish list of a new BBC drama serial.

  6. "It's so pathetic isn't it? Why aren't they just honest?"

    Because there's such a discrepancy between this case and all the other collected at DumbJon's under the title 'MONA' - Men of No Appearance - there must be some guidelines followed by the police on when and how to name suspects.

    God knows what they are, though..

    "Julia, the cheap newspapers have a habit of making the minds eye work overtime by their descriptions of women..."

    Oh, yes! :)

    "It's like the casting wish list of a new BBC drama serial."

    Heh! Indeed. No disabled member though...

  7. "Just try and find figures on "crime by ethnicity" and you will only find figures of "victims of crime by ethnicity"."

    When you begin to notice something like that, you soon begin to notice more and more and more...

  8. If you read any police briefing presentation on any shift on any London Borough the majority of suspects/offenders will be afro-caribbean (Robbery)followed by eastern european. Whites feature, but maybe one or two among the 10 or 12 featured. Despite assertions by race mongers like Ali Dizaei there wasn't much they could do about this. It is fair to say that the UK has imported the majority of the social problems we are now having to deal with, made worse by a near impotent police force and a judiciary made up of a significant minority from the liberal elite / professional political class with hands tied by the European Court and Human Rights and Equality legislation.

    What were this lot doing in a Harry Potter film anyway? Like most customers of large multiplex cinemas NOT watching the bloody film for one thing.

    I last went to a cinema a year ago. Never again after a confrontation with an aggressive white south african about seating, then sitting next to a drunk middleaged couple, then moving three times only to be surrounded by people who did not shut the fuck up, and who ate and slurped their way through the film. Never saw the end of whatever film it was. I now go to a small digital cinema in Hawkhurst or wait for the DVD.


  10. No disabled member though...

    They were following behind in their Mobility Scooter.

  11. "I last went to a cinema a year ago. Never again after a confrontation with an aggressive white south african about seating, then sitting next to a drunk middleaged couple, then moving three times only to be surrounded by people who did not shut the fuck up, and who ate and slurped their way through the film. Never saw the end of whatever film it was. I now go to a small digital cinema in Hawkhurst or wait for the DVD."

    Yes, I've given up seeing a lot of first run films at peak times - the cost is prohibitive and teenagers (and some adults) have totally lost any semblance of how to behave.

    We go Sunday mornings, when the little darlings are still sleeping off last night's drink and drug binge...

    "A man with diamond-encrusted teeth..."

    Heh! Yeah, no doubt about that one...
