Saturday 25 July 2009

Oh, Yeah...

...these guys are getting ganked the minute they log in:
'Of course one problem we're going to have to overcome is that while a psychiatrist may excel in what they do in the real world, they're probably not going to be very good at playing World of Warcraft.

'We may have to work at that if we are going to get through to those who play this game for hours at end.'
Good luck with that, doc...


  1. When one's intervention strategy has already been lampooned in an episode of The Big Bang Theory from 2008, a spot of re-evaluation might not be amiss.

  2. I doubt the Brains Trust watch it - they are probably glued to 'Big Brother' and all it's incarnations, though...

  3. So, the government is giving them money to play "World of Warcraft", but Labour still insists that public spending cannot be cut. I guess this is one of those "essential front-line services", along with diversity consultants and vibrancy counsellors.
