Monday 27 July 2009

Parenting: U R Doin' It Wrong...

A boy of four has been banned from a Tory social club.

Jay Cadwallader - dubbed a ‘gang leader’ by bosses at the Bamber Bridge Conservative Club in Lancashire - stands accused of encouraging ‘disaster’ by climbing on railings, riding his scooter across a bowling green and blocking toilets.
So, why haven't they tried telling the parents of this little hellion to cont...

Yesterday, his mother Natalie Cadwallader, from Bamber Bridge, said: ‘He is not doing anything any other child isn’t doing.

‘He is gutted and was in tears. He is only a baby and doesn’t really understand.’
Well, quite. That's why you, as supposed adults, have a responsibility to instill some discipline.

Not whine to the newspapers when other people take exception. And 'But the other kids do it too!' is the sort of response I'd expect to see from your four year old...
Aubrey Simpson, the club’s treasurer, said he had sent Jay’s parents two warning letters asking them to control their son.

‘Jay comes in and he’s a bit of a gang leader and leads the other children to join in,’ he said.

‘His parents were finally asked not to bring him in because he was climbing on railings and the heating unit in the patio area - it was a disaster waiting to happen.

They have been asked repeatedly but what can you do if they won’t be responsible? We’re liable unfortunately.’
Oh, yeah. The Cadwalladers are raising a monster. Let's hope he's an only child...


  1. Hello? Parent = responsibility!

    Our little girl doesn't behave like this because she knows its why would that be? Oh I's because I and my wife do our job as parents.

    We teach,instil, and shock horror enforce things like; kindness, respect, good manners, and consideration for others.

    It's unbelievable just how poor some people's parenting skills are...try putting the effort in and taking responsibility for you're child's behavior...yes it's hard work, but what did you expect? Welcome to parenthood!!!

  2. What can you expect when a few months back a report in the Mail told of a teacher sacked because she "abused" a child. Her offence?

    She had told it to "shut up".

    The telling part were the comments. The amount of people DISGUSTED that a teacher should say "shut up" to a bastard... (sorry that SHOULD read "child"... I have been told(???)), AND the amount of "approval points" those letters got.

    THAT is what you are fighting against.

    Von Brandenburg-Preußen.

  3. I thin that is over the top. You do not even know them. As Michael Winner would say Claim down.

  4. "..yes it's hard work, but what did you expect? "

    I think a lot of them expect someone else to do it. The nursery staff. The teachers. The police.

    By then, of course, it's far to late.

    "The telling part were the comments. The amount of people DISGUSTED that a teacher should say "shut up" to a bastard... (sorry that SHOULD read "child"... I have been told(???)), AND the amount of "approval points" those letters got."

    I can't say I'm surprised. See below.

    "I thin that is over the top. You do not even know them. "

    Oh, I don't know them personally, no. I'll judge them by their statement, which is spectacularly obtuse and clueless.

    But I DO know their type.

    And like Mark Taha of 'stupid statement in letter page' fame, they are the parents that are raising monsters without any thought, despite showing that they have little intellectual capacity to take care of a goldfish, let alone a new human...

  5. Perhaps he wants to be Nulabor...

  6. Good one on Ambush Predator - it helps a lot!

    We clearly share similar parenting experiences and views.
    I've been reading one that I'm hooked on -
    I have a feeling you'd get a lot out of it.

    Incredible job on your blog; keep it up.

