Friday, 3 July 2009

The Prime Of Miss Jean Brodie Crystal Defanti

Ms Defanti, a teacher at Isabelle Jackson Elementary school in Elk Grove, California, only realised her mistake when one particularly concerned parent called to inform her what happened.

She called parents the day after the DVD was distributed, crying and apologising for her actions.

'All she could say was that it was a horrible mix-up,' the unnamed father said.
But they're a forgiving lot in the California education system:
The Elk Grove Unified School District says they are investigating, but legal experts say it's unlikely that the teacher - who is well-liked at the school - will lose her job.

'It's ... stupid, but it's not a crime,' said expert Ken Rosenfeld. 'Is it something that she should be disciplined for?

'Absolutely, but fired for? She didn't intend for this to happen.'
Well, that's ok then...


  1. "Crystal Defanti" is surely a porn name par excellence anyway?

  2. Well observed, staybryte.

    I may not be the most au courant when it comes to video editing, but I am at something of a loss to explain exactly how you 'inadvertently' include a clip of you giving yourself a hand shandy. It's not like she was splicing bits of 1/2" Beta in an A/B roll editing suite. It's almost like these people want to get caught (like the ones who send in their computer to be repaired with an unencrypted hard disk full of kiddy fiddling and act all surprised when the rozzers turn up.)

  3. To be fair, its well nigh impossible to fire a teacher in America for anything.

    This is a flowchart showing how to do it

  4. I reckon she filmed the 'porn' with the same camera that contained the lesson. When the camera connected to the computer everything on the card would have been downloaded. The she burned it all to disc without checking the content...
    Summed up pretty well by the song 'Hot for Teacher by Van Halen

    Teacher stop that screamin'
    Teacher don't you see?
    Don't wanna be no uptown fool
    Maybe I should go to hell
    But I am doing well
    Teacher needs to see me after school

    I think of all the education that I've missed
    But then my homework was never quite like this!

    Ow! Got it bad,
    Got it bad,
    Got it bad,
    I'm hot for teacher!

    (Eddie Van Halen also played guitar on the Michael Jackson record 'Beat it')

  5. ""Crystal Defanti" is surely a porn name par excellence anyway?"

    You could be right! ;)

    "It's almost like these people want to get caught..."

    If you know there's no chance of getting sacked (as outlined in that astonishing flowchart from Adam Smith below), I guess it just adds to the thrill?

    "...she burned it all to disc without checking the content..."

    That could well be the answer. Nice soundtrack, too... :)

  6. I shouldn't think that they'll have to sack her - after a cock-up like that the kids (and probably staff too) will make her life such a misery she'll be glad to quit.

  7. Oh, but I'm sure she'll be a wow at Parent Evenings.

    With the dads, that is... ;)
