Monday, 6 July 2009

Reality Vs Entertainment...

Mr Nuhu said he felt let down by the emergency services, which took an hour and a half to reach them.

'I was expecting things like a helicopter (to) come and drop a ladder or commando-type rescuer,' he said.
No doubt the enquiry will highlight many, many deficiencies in design, etc.

Let's hope it also highlights what residents can do for themselves in an emergency, instead of relying on frequently overburdened and underequipped emergency services...


  1. Yep. Where the fuck's Thunderbird 3 when you need it?

  2. Or a giant hand to pluck them from danger.
    Of course I imagine that the fire-fighting agencies in his native country are far superior than ours.

  3. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the The A-Team

  4. Hank, Thunderbird 3 was a space rocket and therefor not much use in a fire.

  5. I stand corrected Mr Crun. The 'Firefly' firefighting vehicle from the pod of Thunderbird 2 would have been a much better choice!

  6. Steady on. Self reliance? Wet towel round the head and elbow crawling on the floor under the smoke? Why I thought the government of nanny knows best had all but beaten self reliance out of the sheeple in this country. Oh, wait a minute, it has!

    As usual emergency escape doors were blocked I read.
