Monday 20 July 2009

Rifleman Cyrus Thatcher

A lot of blogs like mine often dwell on the youth of today and take a somewhat pessimistic view of them, inspired by overwhelmingly bleak MSM stories of knifing, drinking, mindless violence and lives thrown away on trivialities. Sometimes this is even based on personal experience.

As an antidote to that, I can think of no better example than that of 19 year old Rifleman Cyrus Thatcher, killed by an explosion seven weeks ago. The 'Jeremy Vine' radio show had his mother on this afternoon, talking about his letter home to her, written in the event of his death.

You can listen to it here (at least for the next seven days).

You can read the text here

A lot more families get a lot more right than the media would sometimes have you think. His family can be proud of Cyrus. We can all be proud that Britain still produces young men like Cyrus.


  1. Not a dry eye in this house after reading that.

  2. The radio programme was even worse! Quite a few phoned in to say how they'd had to pull over because they could no longer drive...

    His mother was astounding, so dignified and so gracious.

  3. That brought tears to my eyes. And I have read some horrible things that didn't bring tears to my eyes.

    Just remind me, for information's sake, like.

    What the fucking fuckity fuck are we doing in Afghanistan?

  4. "That brought tears to my eyes."

    Me too. And I don't say that often..

  5. Interesting article, added his blog to Favorites

  6. Should you tell you have deceived.
