Tuesday 28 July 2009

Surely, Colin Philpott Will Get A Community Order, If Anything..?

Lots of interest in the case of Colin Philpott, the businessman who was arrested for attempted murder after confronting yobs who were attacking his stepson yesterday.

Well, as long as he has no previous convictions, and maintains how frightened he was, and how the situation got out of control, he should be ok.

At least, by the standards of this case:
A 16-year-old boy has been given a community order for violent disorder following an attack which left a student fighting for his life.
Note, this little thug was the aggressor
On June 25, 2007, 20-year-old Faheem Javaid was stabbed, punched, kicked and hit with a brick and a motorcycle helmet near the McDonalds restaurant in Well Hall Road, Eltham.

Mr Javaid was attacked after his younger brother was robbed by a group of youths on a bus, the Old Bailey heard on July 24.

Charges of attempted murder and robbery against the 16-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, were dropped after he pleaded guilty to violent disorder on June 22.

He had said he was “frightened” during the attack and the situation had got “totally out of control” .
Aww, bless. Didn’t fancy the odds then, his mob of thugs against a single unarmed man?

Perhaps he’ll grow up to be another Glen Francis…
Judge David Paget gave the 16-year-old, who had no previous convictions, a 12-month community punishment and rehabilitation order.
That’ll teach him…

Still, sauce for the goose, eh? Can Mr Philpott expect any less?


  1. Given the precedent set last week, Mr. Philpott should be able to rely on the Stevie-La Gerrard self-defence defence,

  2. Don't forget to add Amy Winehouse as another celebrity who violently attacked someone and got away with it.

  3. So, you can get out of an attempted murder charge by pleading violent disorder instead? Hmmm.

  4. "Given the precedent set last week, Mr. Philpott should be able to rely on the Stevie-La Gerrard self-defence defence,"

    I think it only works for famous people.

    "Don't forget to add Amy Winehouse..."

    Oh, how I wish I could!

    "So, you can get out of an attempted murder charge by pleading violent disorder instead?"

    It seems pleabargaining is alive and well in the UK, doesn't it?

  5. IT was not self defence stabbing someone six times...that boy had to spend his birthday in hospital because a 58 year old man could not crontrol himself in a situation like that no wonder teenagers are going around being destructive if this is the example they are set!! I know that the boy wasnt exactly doing the right thing but he didnt pulll out a weapon the police are there for a reason !!!!

  6. "The police are there for a reason".

    But, they WEREN'T there, were they? Or else the father wouldn't have had to defend his son.

    "if this is the example they're set". Yes, of course, the violent thugs attacked the son because of the example set of people using their inalienable right of self defence.

    What colour is the sky on your planet?
