Friday 24 July 2009

Two Cases Where 'Can't They Both Lose?'... the order of the day.

First, it's police vs car clampers:
A uniformed police officer has been caught on film using a pair of bolt cutters to try to remove a wheel clamp from an unmarked patrol car.

The male officer sprung into action after clampers immobilised the vehicle - being used by a plainclothes female officer - and refused to remove the clamp.

The WPC parked her car illegally near he Pheasant pub in Ashford, Kent, after being called out to investigate a 'minor crime'.

But within minutes of parking her car, it was clamped by workers for Parking Control Services (PCS).
Secondly, it's barristers vs professional victims:
Mr Challenger was in the middle of asking Mr Lacome-Shaw to stop Mr Oraki and his friends from 'threatening' him, or he’ll 'deal with them himself' when Mr Oraki walked towards him pointing his finger, throwing abuse.

The exasperated barrister, who is from Lamb Chambers, got up, walked towards Mr Oraki, allegedly put his hands to the top of his chest and pushed him out the door before bolting it.

His wife, who was still in the room, shouted: 'He’s assaulted my husband' and called the police minutes later.

When police arrived at the scene, in the Thomas More building of the High Court, Mr Challenger tried to walk away.

But a policeman arrested him for common assault and put him in handcuffs, before marching him out of the High Court minutes later.


  1. "An unmarked police vehicle was parked in one of several bays which gave the appearance of being a parking bay.

    "This is positioned between parking bays and it would appear that the only difference is a change of brick pattern around it."

    Pisspoor. It wouldn't work for us, so it shouldn't work for you. You aren't above the Law, even though you think you might me.

  2. Rob,
    It ISN'T the law. That is the whole point. It is trespass/civil debt.
    Clampers can operate on any private land including motorway service stations or the local supermarket.
    The owner of the land does not pay them. They get their money by charging extortionate rates.
    The clamping signs are often barely visble and they often look like public car parks the description, "the only difference is a change of brick pattern around it." seems to be a common experience
    Some clampers are no more than criminals. The practice should be regulated.

  3. What happened to the barrister is only what happens to anyone else who is accused of assault.
    It is a long story but it is something that the Police are forced to do by Nulabor.
    If he complains, as well he might, he won't get far but at least it will raise awareness of the 'detections culture'

  4. "It wouldn't work for us, so it shouldn't work for you."

    Hard to say what was the most embarassing part - that they tried rthis line, that it failed, or that their boltcutters didn't work!

    "Some clampers are no more than criminals. The practice should be regulated."

    I believe Scotland have had recent success with this. About time it happened here too.

    "What happened to the barrister is only what happens to anyone else who is accused of assault."

    Indeed. Nice to see the reaction of these people when they find out it applies to them as well as the public...

  5. Dr Melvin T Gray25 July 2009 at 06:48

    What sadly remains a puerile excuse blueknight, is Nulabour forced police into all their OTT antics and silly decisions.

  6. Dr M. T. Gray,
    I have retired, but that is what I think. I would be happy to get the view of a serving Officer
