Wednesday 8 July 2009

Yes, I Think I Would, Too...

...out of shame:
Lloyds TSB declined to comment.

H/T Rob, in the comments...


  1. On the same principle, why don't we get rid of the Cenotaph and every war memorial in the UK? After all there are many useful idiots who could be reminded by the sight of these monuments that they owe their lives to the military.

  2. Julia,

    I really must consider changing my bank! I always believed that TSB actually stood for Those Stupid Bastards!

    An the commenter, Cazzkins, really should 'get a life'!

  3. I think there is a bit more to this than meets the eye.
    Sooner or later we will find exactly who has complained and what their motive is.

  4. "On the same principle, why don't we get rid of the Cenotaph and every war memorial in the UK?"

    I wouldn't be surprised to hear someone advance that argument. Not surprised at all.

    "...the commenter, Cazzkins, really should 'get a life'!"

    Coo! What a lot of red arrows.. ;)

    "Sooner or later we will find exactly who has complained and what their motive is."

    His shop sells hunting and fishing stuff - animal rights nutters?

  5. Julia,
    Very likely, or Stop the War.
