Thursday 27 August 2009

Couldn't They Have Phrased This Better...?


  1. When ever the Karzai is mentioned, I always remember Kenneth Williams as The Karzi of Kalabar and supress a wry smile.

  2. It's looking ever more likely the deals behind closed doors may be revealed.

  3. "When ever the Karzai is mentioned, I always remember Kenneth Williams as The Karzi of Kalabar.."

    Hah! Yes, indeed. Great film...

    "t's looking ever more likely the deals behind closed doors may be revealed."

    Politics is a dirty business the whole world over, it seems.

  4. It's hardly surprising that the meeting bombed, seeing as Holbrook went in, put a gun to Karzai's head and asked him to implement a new Troops Not Taliban policy. Karzai thought that was bang out of order.

  5. Pavlov's Cat:

    Me too! Perhaps we are both just incorrigible racists!
