Monday 24 August 2009

I Can’t See An English Judge Saying This, Can You?

A Muslim asylum seeker has been sentenced to life in prison after killing his German-born wife because she was 'too independent', a court in Germany heard today.

The 27-year-old Kurdish man, identified only as Onder B, was found guilty today of stabbing his wife in the eyes, beating her with a billiard cue and then running over her in his car.
I wonder if the recent furore over this case played on the minds of all involved in prosecuting this case?

Oh. Maybe not:
Bielefeld District Court judge Jutta Albert clashed repeatedly this week with family members of both victim and defendant as details of the horrific case unfolded.

'One more remark from you and you'll be removed!' she told the victim’s mother. 'Do you think you can behave here as if you were in a Turkish bazaar?'
I guess the theory and practice of ‘multiculturalism’ hasn’t embedded in Germany yet.

Lucky them…


  1. 'One more remark from you and you'll be removed!' she told the victim’s mother. 'Do you think you can behave here as if you were in a Turkish bazaar?'

    Oh dear, oh dear, she doesn't get it at all, does she? Clearly she needs to attend a diversification course...

    I'll get my coat.

  2. Dr Melvin T Gray24 August 2009 at 08:57

    Kommpting to a Dorf near you, soon.

  3. Somehow, I can't see you having a husband of that kind, Julia.

  4. Not a live one, that's for sure... :)

  5. "stabbing his wife in the eyes, beating her with a billiard cue and then running over her in his car."

    Are you sure that's in the right order?

    Did he drag his his now blinded wife, streaming with blood out into the middle of the street and ask her to stand still for a couple of minutes while he got the car? Hadn't she got the hint?

  6. "Are you sure that's in the right order? "

    It's certainly overkill...

    Perhaps he should opt for an insanity defence, and claim he thought she was a killer in a slasher flick?

  7. "Perhaps he should opt for an insanity defence, and claim he thought she was a killer in a slasher flick?"

    That's right JuliaM, put ideas into chavs' heads.

    The Sun a year from now:

    19 year old Tyrone Kamal El Sid killed his girlfriend Chardonnay Laquisha Evans first stabbing her in both eyes, battering her about the head with a snooker cue and then dragging her out into the street. El Sid 17, from Shithole Estate, then twocced a neighbours Ford Fiesta and rode over Evans numerous times.

    In court, El Sid said: "I fort she was like a killer in a slasher flick, or somfink. Ise got a disorder, innit"

    The judge sentenced El Sid to six months probation and 5 hours community service.

  8. Lol!

    And I bet those names already exist, somewhere... ;)
