Wednesday 19 August 2009

I Don’t Think We Do Deserve A Gold Star, Ann….

A failed asylum seeker who entered the country using a fake passport is suing the Government for £150,000 claiming his detention caused him depression.

Fridoon Sadiqi says he started having mental health problems, including post traumatic stress disorder, after he was held for three weeks while his case was investigated.
Who can I sue, then?

Because reading this is causing me depression!
He argues that a civil service re-prioritising scheme in January 2001 had the effect of 'putting on hold' old applications and he was forced to wait five years to hear whether he could stay in the UK.

Sadiqi was eventually told his asylum application had been refused after he was interviewed by immigration officers in March 2004.
And he was immediately deported?

Nah, that’s crazy talk…
He applied for discretionary leave to remain in the UK in October that year, but permission to appeal was refused by the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal a month later.

Sadiqi was held at an immigration detention centre for three weeks while a further appeal was being held. When released he had to regularly report to a police station to confirm his whereabouts.

The Home Office rejected his application for leave to remain in November 2005, stating that he could apply for clearance once back in Afghanistan .

Since then he has remained in the UK while seeking a judicial review to remain in the country.
Yes, those dates are all correct. This man has been here for ten years and shows every sign of hanging on, limpet-like, for a few years more.
Conservative MP Ann Widdecombe said: 'This means that we've allowed him to remain in the country for 10 years and go through every legal challenge possible.

'Frankly I think we deserve a gold star and he should publicly thank us for our stance rather than sue us.

'If his treatment has been so bad here, then why doesn't he find another country to go claim asylum in?'
A gold star? I think we deserve everything we get, for letting this man play our system like a cheap fiddle….


  1. Trust me, if the council had housed me in Prior Deram Walk I'd be running for the homely delights of old Kabul before you can say: "sink estate."

    In all seriousness though, three soldiers from the Coventry and Warwickshire region were killed in Afghanistan over the weekend while this parasite stakes his claim in their home city. I don't think anyone is amused.

  2. "if the council had housed me in Prior Deram Walk I'd be running for the homely delights of old Kabul before you can say: "sink estate.""

    Yikes! That's grim...

    "I don't think anyone is amused."

    Indeed not...

  3. staybryte

    Do you really think that someone that has provided a lot of pleasure to children worldwide, someone that has often worked 6 day weeks and made thousands of pounds for the British taxpayers via exports of their work is a parasite?

    And no, this is not a wind up.
