Saturday 29 August 2009

I Want To Believe...

Yesterday's story was clearly the news that the Mayor of Baltimore had criticised Chris Grayling for comparing Britain to 'The Wire'.

This went round the MSM and the blogosphere like wildfire, as mostly left-leaning organisations and commentators pointed to in in justification and delight at the discomfiture of the enemy. Yes, this from people that had all but wrapped themselves in the flag and sung 'God save the Queen' when the Yanks were criticising the NHS a few days ago, now suddenly we're bezzie mates again.

Only problem was, it was a hoax. And by one of their own, too...

Reaction was depressingly predictable. The Beeb did a stealth edit on a question they had put in their quiz, while the 'Guardian' and 'Independent' were quite good sports about it and admitted to their readers that they'd been caught out. And the man himself told Guido that it made him laugh.

From humourless lefties like Smirking Tit Sunny Hundal, the reaction was rather different: Waaaah! Mummy, make the nasty men stop! Waaah!.

The moderators had a field day on LC trying to spare Sunny's blushes, but they couldn't quite manage to extinguish the smell of FAIL! that hung in the ether there...

But why did they fall for it in the first place, since it should have been quite easy to check? All the clues were there.

Simples! It was what they wanted to believe, and so they did.


  1. No sympathy, he's also the dickwad who placed Blackheath as being in East London, which I'm sure goes down well with it's multi millionaire denizens

    Photos from Climate Camp London
