Tuesday, 4 August 2009

If You Have Enough Staff To Do This...

...then you have enough staff to take away the 'extra' waste in the first place, don't you?
The council plans to employ “rubbish police” – Waste Education Officers – who will empty home owners’ bins in front of them and lecture them on what they could recycle.

Mr Tanner said: “If our binmen come across a bin with extra waste alongside it, we will put a card through the door asking the home owner to give us a call. We will send out a Waste Education Officer who will explain how to deal with waste.”
Oh, and there's no need to employ 'rubbish police'.

We *already have them. That was what you meant, wasn't it?

* cheers to AC1 in the comments


  1. Oh joy! I DO hope I get one these cards through my letterbox. I won't bother to ring though, I'll gladly drag my wheelie bin down to the council office so the prodnose-in-chief can go through it on his office carpet.

  2. Now there's a good idea!

    But I bet they will only be sending these to law abiding areas, not chav estates. No council official is going to attempt to 'lecture' Darren & Tracee while theit bull terrier gnaws on his leg.

    More than me job's worf, innit?

  3. The irony of a German being stopped on suprious grounds and intimidated by an authoritarian, aggressive police officer.

    "We have to respond to official complaints". Um, no you don't. This is a lie the police trot out time after time.

    PCSOs - the front line in the culture war.

  4. "The irony of a German being stopped on suprious grounds and intimidated by an authoritarian, aggressive police officer."

    Pretty mindblowing, nein...?
